- "指令性经济,见 command economy" directed economy
- 克林顿总统对新经济的定义是:"The new economy is an economy that's fuelled by technology, driven by entrepreneurship and innovations". American President Bill Clinton has defined the New Economy as "an economy that's fuelled by technology, driven by entrepreneurship and innovations."
- Cross-Product Cross Produet
- 克林顿总统对新经济的定义是: ”The new economy is an economy that’s fuelled by technology, driven by entrepreneurship and innovations”. American President Bill Clinton has defined the New Economy as "an economy that's fuelled by technology, driven by entrepreneurship and innovations.
- max-product复合 Max-product Composition
- 您可以使用Rational Product Updater来检查Web Developer产品的更新。 You can use the Rational Product Updater to check for updates to the Web Developer product.
- 请检查Product Catalog示例报表,以查看采用HTML格式进行分页的示例。 Check the Product Catalog sample report to view an example of pagination in HTML format.
- 妇女利用自家房前屋后发展庭院经济,仅湖南省就有300多万庭院经济户,靠庭院经济每年平均每户增收1250元。Women also make use of the open ground in front or behind their houses to develop courtyard economy. In Hunan Province alone, there are more than 3 million families engaged in courtyard economy, on average one family's income therefore increase 1,250 yuan one year.
- 以下示例将禁用Product表的AK_Product_Name索引的自动统计信息设置。 The following example disables the automatic statistics setting for the AK_Product_Name index of the Product table.
- off-grade product (砖的) 等外品
- 加权Best-Product-Fit算法 weighted Best-Product-Fit algorithm
- Product.xml,用于定义基本包。 Product. Xml, which defines the base package.
- PDM(Product Data Management)系统是制造企业信息化工程的重要集成平台。 PDM system is the significant platform of integration for information engineering of manu- facturing enterprises.
- ratepressure product 心率-血压乘积
- 在“设计矩阵”页的“可用字段”列表中,选择Product_Category1,再单击“行”。 In the Available fields list of the Design the Matrix page, select Product_Category1 and then click Rows.
- expanding product (多指膨胀矿渣) 膨胀制品
- 根据product表中的活动行返回一个值。 Returns a value dependent upon the active row in the product table.
- 例如,可以在报表中更改Product表的排序表达式,使其按产品名称或价格对数据进行排序。 For example, you could change the sort expression for the Product table on the report, so that it sorts by product name or price.
- PDM系统是企业产品数据管理系统(Enterprise Product Data Manager System)的简称。 PDM system is the short name of Enterprise Product Data Management system.
- 用于“Product Name”文本框的Label控件。 A Label control for the Product Name text box.