- parallel processing task 并行处理任务
- Parallel Processing for Image Recognition. 图象识别的并行处理方法。
- Ants are a parallel processing machine. 蚁群就是一个并行处理机。
- Parallel processing is a powerful way to reduce time cost in computation-intense task. 并行计算降低计算密集型计算任务时间开销的有力途径。
- IRAMs are also the ideal building block for parallel processing. 智能随机存取存储器也是并行处理方法的理想构建区。
- SPML supports both sequential and parallel processing of requests. SPML同时支持并行和顺序处理请求。
- Managing the performance of more than one data processing task at a time. 同时管理两个以上的数据处理任务的执行的方法。
- The method can parallel serial digital image processing algorithms which process digital images on spatial domain and implement partition and allocation of processing task of aerial image. 在系统中应用符合数字图像处理特点的区域分解并行算法 ;这样使在空间域串行图像处理算法得到并行化 ;从而合理地对任务进行划分与分配 ;同时保证各DSP处理机负载平衡 .
- parallel processable task 可并行处理任务
- Clearly,parallel processing is an expensive solution for a small work-load. 很明显,平行处理对于小工作量来讲是很昂贵的解决办法。
- Parallel processing is the most important peculiarity in this design. 其中,并行化的设计理念是该设计的最大特点。
- Clearly, parallel processing is an expensive solution for a small work-load. 很明显,平行处理对于小工作量来讲是很昂贵的解决办法。
- The focus of attention (FOA) represents the item in memory set which acts as the object of current processing task. 在记忆集中,当前加工任务所指向的记忆集项目,就是工作记忆中的注意焦点(Focus of Attention,FOA)。
- Loosely, parallel processing. 不严格地讲,并行处理(法)。
- A parallel process method of ray tracing is proposed based on a BSP tree. 摘要提出了一种基于BSP树的光线跟踪并行处理方法。
- If it is the second day in the week, the Execute Process task runs notepad. Exe, otherwise the task runs mspaint. Exe. 如果是每周的第二天;则执行进程任务运行notepad.;exe;如果是其他时间;则该任务运行mspaint
- This setting causes Analysis Services to fork off processing tasks to run in parallel inside a single transaction. 此设置会使Analysis Services将处理任务分开在单个事务内并行执行。
- The Execute Process task can specify the command prompt arguments that the executable file or batch file requires. 执行进程任务可指定可执行文件或批处理文件所需的命令提示符参数。
- It congregates parallel computation and parallel structure, and can fulfill the image processing tasks rapidly and real-time. 它将并行计算和并行结构集于一身,能快速实时地完成图像处理任务。
- To update the properties of the Execute Process task, you map variables to item columns by using the index of the column. 若要更新执行进程任务的属性,可以使用列索引将变量映射到项列。