- Generic programming is a special paradigm in C++. 泛型编程是C++特殊的编程思维模型。
- paradigms in psychotherapy 心理治疗范式
- No prevailing paradigm in science lasts forever. 科学中没有任何流行范式能够存在永远。
- Evolution of 3 paradigms in modern karst study is reviewed. 回顾了近代岩溶学三种“范式”的更替历史。
- M., &Lebow J.L. (2005).A scientific paradigm in family psychology. 比较家庭系统中结构性与关系性资源对于青少年学业成就之影响。
- Baur, S.(1997/2004). The intimate hour: love and sex in psychotherapy. 杨淑智(译)。诊疗椅上的爱与性。台北:张老师文化。
- This is the basis for the preparation-zone paradigm in seismogenesis. 这就是地震因学说中准备区范例的基础。”
- Editorial Views Blood Glucose Variability: A New Paradigm in Critical Care? 血糖变异性:危重监测中的一项新的范本?
- A common paradigm in Web applications is paging through the results of a query. 在Web应用程序中,一种常见的范例是对查询结果进行分页。
- International Society for Mental Imagery Techniques in Psychotherapy and Psychology? 国际心智图技术学会
- A conparafive study in psychotherapy and drug in treatment of anxiety disorders. 心理与药物治疗对焦虑障碍疗效的对照研究。
- Close,T.(2002).Metaphor in psychotherapy:Clinical application of stories and allegories. 刘小菁(译)。故事与心理治疗。台北:张老师文化。
- Essentialism and social constructionism are two hardly compatible approaches in psychotherapy. 本质论与社会建构论是心理治疗领域中两种对立倾向。
- The spiritual-god-image and its archetypal meaning is very important in Jungian analytical psychology and in psychotherapy. 作为原型的心神意象及其象征意义在荣格分析心理学的理论以及心理治疗的实践中具有十分重要的意义。
- Essentialism in psychotherapy is the product of the positivist-empiricist tradition in psychology and the representative of modernist psychology. 本质论坚持了经验实证主义的传统,代表着心理治疗领域中的现代主义取向;
- People can spend weeks, months and in some cases years in psychotherapy working on changing their thoughts or behaviors. 人们能花费数周、数月、甚至数年的时间用于精神疗法以改变自己的想法或行为。
- There are three dominant paradigms in the conceptual and visual design of user interfaces: implementation-centric, metaphoric, and idiomatic. 用户界面的概念和可视化设计中主要有3类范例,即实现为中心范例、隐喻范例和习惯用法范例。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。