- overall construction contract 施工总承包
- T: Ok. Here is our construction contract. 这是我的建筑工程承包合同。
- Safety management is an important part of the overall construction project. 是全面管理的一部分而不是项目的一部分。
- OK, ladies and gentlemen, we seem to be in complete agreement that we should submit a tender for the construction contract immediately. 女士们,先生们,看起来我们一致同意我们应该立刻递交竞标这个建设项目的投标书。
- The Hong Kong Decheng Chemical Co., Ltd. has invested 250 million yuan RMB to construct a 20,000 ton level polyester slicing project and has also signed a contract, established the project and is ready to enter the overall construction preparation phase. 香港德成化工有限公司投资二点五亿元人民币兴建二万吨级聚脂切片工程也已签约立项,并进入了全面筹建阶段。
- Influence of Construction Contract on "Sales Tax" for Construction Enterprise. 浅析建造合同下对施工企业"应交营业税"的影响。
- Discussed in this paper are the overall construction and design of oilfired and gas-fired horizontal boilers. 讨论了卧式内燃燃油和燃气锅炉的总体结构和设计。
- Long axis of the overall construction was 150m, width of 65m and 22.5m high single-layer shell ellipsoid. 整体建筑呈长轴150米、短轴65米、高22.;5米的单层薄壳椭球体。
- Abstract: Discussed in this paper are the overall construction and design of oilfired and gas-fired horizontal boilers. 文摘:讨论了卧式内燃燃油和燃气锅炉的总体结构和设计。
- For example, the master single-tier schedule in Figure 10 has the overall Construction phase divided into three six-week periods. 例如,图10中单层的综合图表将整个建立阶段分为三个六周的周期。
- Plans conducted by the cantonal leaders in charge of overall construction commission, the county Sports enforcement unit implementation. 预案由县建委分管领导负总责,县市容执法大队抓落实。
- After bid selection, the winner refuses to sign the construction contract within the stipulated time period. 定标后,逾期拒签承发包合同的。
- Moreover, the addition of a construction manager rearranges the duties and potential liabilities in the overall construction project. 而且,建筑经理的附加再排列全部的建筑计画的责任和潜能责任。
- General Construction Contract experienced zigzag developing process in the international world. 国际上工程承包经历了一个曲折的发展过程。
- Our country will enter the overall construction well-off, development phase that advances socialistic modernization quickly 2001. 2001年我国将进入全面建设小康、加速推进社会主义现代化建设的发展阶段。
- Thus, the law expressly provides that the construction contract leapfrog contract is null and void. 因此,法律明令规定,凡越级承包的建筑工程合同均属无效。
- The overall construction of the virtual Sound Level Meter(SLM),the composition of its software system and the division of the components are int. 心电信息管理系统与虚拟式心电图仪结合 ,使其成为该仪器的一个组成部分 ,不仅提高了它的使用价值 ,也增强了仪器的功能。
- Such a clear violation of the requirements of the overall construction project, but in the demonstration phase and links should be rescinded. 像这种明显违背中央要求,不顾大局的建设项目,在论证阶段就应该通不过而予以撤销。
- OK,ladies and gentlemen,we seem to be in complete agreement that we should submit a tender for the construction contract immediately. 女士们,先生们,看起来我们一致同意我们应该立刻递交竞标这个建设项目的投标书。
- Estimation,feasibility study,design cost supervision and construction contract of possible-fired power plant and Substation and fransmission line. 燃煤、油、气的火力发电厂及输变电工程项目的评估,可行性研究,工程设计,工程造价,工程监理,工程建设承包等方面的业务。