- The churches will then knock Mr Brown's nonsense out of their heads. 教堂将会抨击布朗先生的没头没脑的胡说。
- Cowboys spend most of their time out of doors. 牛仔大部分时间都是在户外度过的。
- They went out of their way to help us. 他们特地来帮助我们。
- She fear her eyes may actually pop out of their socket. 她害怕她的眼睛会真的从眼窝里瞪出来。
- Can the earthquake start all the people out of their sound sleep? 地震能把所有的人都从酣睡中惊醒了吗?
- He screwed the others out of their share of the money. 他侵吞了其他人应得的钱。
- If Kosslyn and Zaltman and their team really can read the mind of the market, then consumers may find it even harder to get those advertising jingles out of their heads. 假如科斯林、扎特曼和他们的研究组真的掌握了市场猜心术,消费者可能会发现自己越来越难以摆脱那些悦耳的广告宣传了。
- She feared her eyes might actually pop out of their sockets. 她害怕她的眼睛会真的从眼窝里瞪出来。
- If only the leaders would put their heads together we might find a way out of our difficulties. 只要领导人群策群力,我们会找到克服困难的办法的。
- Moses led the Israelites out of their bondage in Egypt. 摩西率领以色列人脱离在埃及的奴隶生涯。
- The children were finally all winkled out of their hiding places. 最後总算把孩子从躲藏的地方都找了出来。
- The final shot dropped right on the side line barely out of their reach. 最后一球正好落在边线上,他们刚好没能接着。
- If they spoke out of turn they would get their heads snapped off. 如果他们讲话轻率冒失,就会受到劈头盖脸的训斥。
- The pupils were terrified out of their senses. 小学生们被吓得魂不附体。
- He manoeuvred the enemy out of their position. 他用计谋使敌人离开他们的阵地。
- Europe and America lay somewhere out of their beat. 欧洲和美洲是他们不熟悉的地区。
- The rabbits were rarely let out of their hutches. 那些兔子很少从笼子里放出来。
- They seldom let their weapons out of their hands. 他们的武器很少离手。
- We shot the enemy out of their hiding places. 我们开枪把敌人从躲藏的地方赶了出来。
- He contorted my words out of their original sense. 他曲解了我话语的原义。