- This papar surveys an algorithm based on orthogonal transform. 本文提出利用正交变换的方法估计电网的复功率和相位差。
- In this paper, based on expanded-dimension parallelism of some orthogonal transform algorithms, a parallel DFT algorithm is concluded. 摘要提出某些正交变换算法具有扩维并行性,并由此归纳出扩维并行DFT算法。
- This set of orthogonal transforms start with walsh-Hadamard transform and end with discrete Hartley transform. 这类正交变换以 Walsh-Hadamard 变换开始,到 Hartley 变换结束。
- The Karhunen-Loeve transform(KLT) is a kind of important orthogonal transformation,it has been widely applied in many respects particularly image recognition. 数据压缩已经成为信息时代必不可少的一项技术。
- Classical image source code, images of the orthogonal transformation, Fourier, discrete cosine transform, such as complete source code can be used directly. (译):古典形象的源代码,图像的正交变换,傅立叶,离散余弦变换,如完整的源代码可以直接使用。
- A fresh coat of paint can transform a room. 房间重新粉刷一遍可大为改观。
- A simple method of solving an orthogonal transformation with a primary transformation is presented by change quadric form into canonical form. 给出了利用初等变换求一个正交变换化实二次型为标准形的简便方法。
- In this paper, we discuss some properties of orthogonal transformation of Euclidea spce Rsn and geometry background of generalized orthogoral matrix. 本文探讨了R_s~n上的正交变换与广义正炙矩阵的关系,给出了广义正交矩阵的几何背景及一些基本性质。
- In field Euclidean geometry, the problem of expressing orthogonal transformation as symmetrical product is one of the basic problems in geometry. 域上欧氏几何中 ,把正交变换表为对称之积的问题 ,是几何学中基本问题之一。
- Parallel orthogonal transform algorithm processing 并行正交变换算法
- A new linear transformation is presented. It is defferent to the transformation by R. H. Park and diff erent also to the orthogonal transformation by P. M. Anderson. 本文提出一种新的线性变换,它不同于R·H·Park所用的变换,也不同于P·M·Anderson所用的正交变换,这种变换暂称为混合变换。
- Abstract: A simple method of solving an orthogonal transformation with a primary transformation is presented by change quadric form into canonical form. 文摘:给出了利用初等变换求一个正交变换化实二次型为标准形的简便方法。
- Through an orthogonal transformation of coordinates systems, the eigen-equations of the LWL optical vibrations in single-walled BN nanotubes are obtained. 并通过坐标系的正交变换,得到了单壁硼氮纳米管中长波光学振动的本征方程。
- lapped orthogonal transform(LOT) 重叠正交变换
- In the real space, orthogonal transformation keeps metric not changing, and transform matrix in the orthogonal transformation is orthogonal matrix.So it is very important to research transform matrix. 在实空间中正交变换保持度量不变,而正交变换中对应的变换矩阵就是正交矩阵,所以对正交矩阵的研究就显得格外重要。
- OFDM system tends to damage the orthogonality for ICI. OFDM的频谱正交性容易受到ICI的影响被破坏.
- Orthogonality is one of those creeping viral problems. 正交性是一种慢性感染性的问题。
- The experiments used orthogonality design with three replications. 试验采用正交设计,重复三次。
- Objective To eliminate interference and simultaneously determine the multi-components of the compound drug preparation by orthogonal transformation combined with MLR method(OF-MLR). 目的采用褶积变换多元线性回归法对相关性特强的复方药物制剂的分析。
- To transform a metal into a mineral by oxidation. 使矿化通过氧化使金属转化为一种无机物