- one rs better feelings 良心; 天良
- be up to one rs best level in skill and in style of play 打出水平, 打出风格
- You had better feel out the other comrades'opinions on the subject. 你最好摸清楚其他同志对这个问题的意见。
- one rs better self 本性中良好的一面
- A good wife health is a man rs best wealth. 妻贤身体好是男人最大的财富。
- A good wife and health is a man rs best wealth. 贤妻和健康是男子的至宝。
- Truth rs best ornament is nakedness. 不加掩饰乃是真理的最好装饰。
- We're trying to get a better feel for what to do with mana regen at the moment. 我们正在尝试用更好的办法来处理法力再生的时间点。
- You may well feel sleepy this morning,for you are up all night long. 今早你可能会感觉很困倦,因为你熬了一整夜。
- You may well feel sleepy this morning, for you are up all night long. 今早你可能会感觉很困倦,因为你熬了一整夜。
- North America has the world rs best climate for wild grapes. 北美的气候是世界上最适合野生葡萄生长的。
- The natural kindliness of her character asserted itself; her better feelings were aroused, triumphing momentarily over the bigotry of her religious opinions. 她那仁慈的本性流露了,善良的感情被激发起来,暂时战胜了她的宗教偏见。
- One RS trademark that has made it to the TT-RS is the addition of the sport button, which alters throttle response and also opens a flap in the left exhaust tailpipe to increase the rumble. 一个遥感商标,使得它的TT-遥感是把运动按钮,改变节气门的反应,还开辟了一个皮瓣在左侧排气尾气增加隆隆。
- I do not lip service, ASUS is also in the brains of pondering how we can better feel the use of "show" to consumers. 我并没有信口开河,华硕也同样是在绞尽脑汁的琢磨怎样才能够将更好的使用感受“呈现”给消费者。
- below one rs best 没打出最好水平
- "Beyond a doubt, they do wish him to chuse Miss Darcy," replied Jane;"but this may be from better feelings than you are supposing. “毫无问题,她们希望他选中达西小姐,”吉英说:“不过,说到这一点,她们是出于一片好心,并不如你所想象的恶劣。
- one rs best bib and tucker 漂亮衣裳
- As far as I'm concerned, the beige one is better. 就我而言,米色的那个更好。
- Those who were Chinese-educated could well feel the century-long humiliation suffered by their ancestral country. 念方块字的人,都能感受的到这古老大地百年来所忍受的耻辱。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。