- A Near-Annual Pacific Ocean Basin Mode. 一个接近全年的太平洋海域模型。
- This supercontinent will have a small ocean basin trapped at its center. 该超大陆将捕获一个小洋盆居于其中心。
- Jurassic and Cretaceous, the marginal ocean basin was in the stage of ocean crust evolution and had a setting similar to mid-ocean ridge. 侏罗-白垩纪为洋盆洋壳演化期,处于类似洋中脊的构造环境。
- They are colliding. The plate carrying the ocean basin, because it is heavier, dives beneath the plate carrying the continent. 它们碰撞了。携带海洋盆地的板块,因为比较重,潜入到携带大陆的板块下。
- General features of ocean. Movement of ocean: wave, tides and ocean current. Eros ional and depositional coast. Continental margin and ocean basin. 海洋的一般特征。海洋的运动:波浪、洋流和潮汐。侵蚀型海岸和沉积型海岸。大陆边缘和洋盆。
- It is concluded that there is a former island arc in central Altyn Tagh and an ocean basin in the north of the old island arc before Mesoproterozoic Era. 由此表明,在中元古代以前中阿尔金地块可能是一个古岛弧,在古岛弧的北侧还存在有一个古大洋盆地(或古弧后盆地)。
- The mineralization is related to the ocean basin closure in the Lower Permian,the moyite of the late magmatic evolution of the post-collision high-kalium granitoid. 成矿与早二叠世洋盆闭合,后碰撞高钾钙碱性花岗岩类岩浆演化晚期的钾质花岗岩有关。铜矿(化)体呈细脉浸染状产在钾质花岗岩的内外接触带内。
- In this study, Love wave dispersion data of 117 selected wave paths crossing the Pacific ocean basin are determined by applying the MF-FTAN technique to SRO/GDSN long period data. 应用现代适配滤波频时分析技术对SRO/GDSN长周期面波记录进行处理,获得穿过太平洋盆地的117条波路径的勒夫波频散数据。
- The footwall rocks are deposited near the vent of a basin that is controlled by the activity of growth fault, similarly to cherts deposited near the ridge of a modern ocean basin. 矿体底板、顶板与顶板上覆地层中硅质岩的沉积环境不同.;矿体底板硅质岩沉积于受同生断裂控制的热水喷口的附近;类似于洋中脊附近环境下沉积的硅质岩;
- By far the greater part of the hydrosphere, of course, is the ocean basins. 海域无疑是水圈中的最大部分。
- The difference accounts for the existence of continents and ocean basins. 这种差别解释了大陆和海洋盆地存在的原因。
- This indicates that volcanism in the Yaiba Formation took place in the Middle Jurassic Bajocian Stage and proves that the early Middle Jurassic was an important stage in the formation of the Neo Tethys ocean basin. 表明叶巴组的火山活动发生在中侏罗世巴柔期,中侏罗早期是新特提斯(Neo?Tethys)洋盆形成的重要阶段。
- The Yangtze landmass collided with North China landmass due to Caledoniansubduction which happened after the ocean basin closed with Paleotethys subduction atEarly Palaeozoic. At last it developed Caledonian orogeny and caused borderland basinreversing. 早古生代洋盆随原特提斯的消亡,经加里东期的俯冲,扬子地块与华北地块碰撞,最终形成加里东俯冲造山带,由此导致陆缘盆地的反转。
- When ocean basin closes and remanant ocean crust intrudes into continental crust by tectonics, both the remnant ocean crust and the continental crust made up the ophiolitic melange belt. 摘要当洋盆闭合洋壳残片构造侵位于陆壳之上时,共同组成蛇绿混杂岩带。
- Oceanic subduction-type eclogite in the Lhasa block, Tibet, China:Remains of the Paleo-Tethys ocean basin? 青藏高原拉萨地块中的大洋俯冲型榴辉岩:古特提斯洋盆的残留?
- The ocean basins hold at vast quantity of water, over 285 million cubic miles of water. 洋盆包容了大约2.;85亿立方英里的庞大水体。
- This creature lives in the depth of the ocean. 这种生物生活在海洋深处。
- Triassic to Paleogene ,Tethyan Himalaya went through the forming , exaggerating , attenuating , closing and finally t ransforming into foreland basin of the oceanic basin. 藏南地区从三叠纪至古近纪经历了从洋盆(喜马拉雅特提斯) 的形成、扩张、衰减、关闭,直至转换成前陆盆地的过程。
- A key factor was the churning of the planet's interior by plate tectonics, the process that drives the slow shifting continents and ocean basins over geological time. 重要的一点是,我们的行星上存在板块运动的大搅拌,这个过程促使大陆和海洋盆地在过去的地质历史中不断发生变化。
- Plate tectonics, the geologic process responsible for creating the Earth's continents, mountain ranges, and ocean basins, may be an on-again, off-again affair. 板块构造运动,这个一直被认为是创造地球大陆,山脉和海洋盆地的地质过程,很可能是一种分分合合的特殊事件。