- Please carry that long word on to the next line. 请把那个长单词接着写到第二行去。
- Don't carry the letter on to the next line. 不要把这个字母移到下一行去。
- I hesitated before reciting the next line. 朗诵下一行之前,我停了一下。
- Please go to the next line for customsinspection. 请到下一站海关检查。
- The value 0 should appear on the next line. 下一行中应该出现值0。
- I forget how the next line goes. 我忘记下一行怎么说了。
- I hesitated before reciting the next line . 朗诵下一行之前,我停了一下。
- The cursor aligns the next line with the previous line. 光标在下一行时与在上一行时的位置对齐。
- This break causes subsequent content to start on the next line. 此换行符使后续内容从下一行开始。
- Reads the next line of characters from the standard input stream. HostProtectionAttribute从标准输入流读取下一行字符。
- Line is reached, the next line of code is run before moving to. 之前将会运行下一行代码。
- Can you wrap the text to the next line to avoid that horizontal length? 可以将文本换至下一行来减少水平长度吗?
- Element appears on the next line because tag wrapping is set to 80 characters. 元素显示在下一行上,因为标记换行设置为80个字符。
- If your text exceeds the width of the button, it will wrap to the next line. 如果文本超出按钮宽度,则换到下一行。
- Returns the current line as a string and advances the cursor to the next line. 以字符串形式返回当前行,并将光标向前移到下一行。
- Would-be novelists scribble in notepads and ponder their next line of dialogue. 想当小说家的人摇著笔杆苦思故事情节发展。
- If It appears on the next line, dispense with the comma, as you see In the second example. 如果头衔写在下一行,则不用加逗号,就像第二例。
- The next line specifies a valid Unix user account that will be used for guest access. 下一行指定了用于guest访问的有效Unix用户帐户。
- Runs code and moves to the next line (even if the next line includes many function calls). 运行代码并移动到下一行(即使下一行包含多个函数调用)。
- Press the ENTER key to go to the next line, press TAB twice, and then type the company street number and name. 按ENTER键转到下一行,按两下TAB键,然后输入公司所在的街道号码和街道名。