- Hypericum sect. Ascyreia (Clusiaceae): new species and subspecies from China 中国金丝桃属金丝桃组(藤黄科)新分类群
- New species and varieties of Malvaceae from China. 中国锦葵科植物的新种和新变种.
- New species and reocrds of Meteoriaceae in China. 中国蔓藓科新种和新分布种.
- new species and subspecies 新(亚)种
- Some new species and additional descriptions of Fukien plants. 文章题目 福建之新植物及补充记载.
- New species and varieties of Myrsinaceae from China. 中国紫金牛科新种及新变种.
- New species and variety of Sterculiaceae from China. 中国梧桐科植物的新种和新变种.
- New species and taxonomic changes in Ardisia Swartz from China. 中国紫金牛属新种和分类上的更动.
- A new species and a new hybrid of Athyrium from Yunnan. 云南蹄盖蕨属一新种和一新杂种.
- Several new species and varieties of Araliaceae from China. 五加科的几个新种和新变种.
- This Formation is abound in fusulihid fossils. 80 species including some unnamed species, 7 new species and 1 new subspecies belonging to 17 genera have been identified so far. 该组盛产(竹蜓)类化石,已鉴定有17属80种,其中包括7个新种,1个新亚种和一些未定种。
- It was confirmed that there were 36 species and 3 subspecies of Yulania Spach from Henan, including 13 new species, one new subspecies and 2 subspecies. 主要内容为:基本上查清了河南玉兰属植物共计36种、3亚种(包括13新种、1新亚种和2亚种);
- Cheng, T-H 2000. A Complete Checklist of Species and Subspecies of the Chinese Birds. Science Press, Beijing. 郑作新;2000.;中国鸟类种和亚种分类名录大全。北京:科学出版社。
- The results had showed that surface features including the cell shape of exocarp and ornamentation of fruit epidermis may provide new proof for classification between species and subspecies. 研究表明,飘拂草属植物在纹饰类型,超微结构等方面存在着明显的种间差异,具有分类学意义。
- The study section located in Asturias, northwestern Spain, contains very rich dinocysts comprising a total of 114 species and subspecies. 研究剖面位于西班牙西北部ASTURIAS地区 ,该区富含沟鞭藻化石 ,共发现沟鞭藻 4 5属 114种 ;
- Firstly, the paper summarizes and discusses the subdivision of giant panda and the main characters, range and geographical distribution of its species and subspecies. 归纳和介绍了大熊猫种和亚种的划分及其主要鉴别特徵、分布时限、不同地史时期大熊猫的地理分布;
- Located in the interior of Yaku Island, at the meeting-point of the palaearctic and oriental biotic regions, Yakushima exhibits a rich flora, with some 1,900 species and subspecies, including ancient specimens of the sugi (Japanese cedar). 屋久岛位于古北区和远东生物区的交汇点,该岛拥有丰富的植物资源,大约有1,900种(亚种)植物,包括古老的杉树样本(日本杉)。
- New species and variety of Lysimachia from Chekiang Province, China. 浙江排草属的新种和新变种.