- The room was as neat as a new pin. 房间十分整洁。
- Everything was as neat as a pin in the house. 屋内一切十分清洁雅致。
- As a pop star she was a nine days' wonder: she only made one successful record. 她是个昙花一现的歌星,只录制过一张受欢迎的唱片。
- My office is a mess yet yours is always as neat as a new pin; how do you do it? 我的办公室杂乱无章,然而你的却非常整洁,你是怎样做的?
- My desk is always messy, but my roomate's is always as neat as a pin. 我的桌子总是很乱,而我的室友的却很整洁。
- As a pop star she was a nine days'wonder: she only made one successful record. 她是个昙花一现的歌星,只录制过一张受欢迎的唱片。
- My father is a good housekeeper. His house is alwaysas neat as a pin. 我的爸爸是个家庭主妇,他把房子收拾的井井有条。
- As a nine year old girl, she even wrote to president Dwight Eisenhower urging him to end racial discrimination. 她还是九岁孩童的时候,甚至写信给艾森豪威尔总统,要求他结束种族歧视。
- The room was as neat as a pin. 房间十分整洁。
- The room was neat as a pin. 房间十分整洁。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- The room was neat as a new pin. 房间十分整洁。
- As a matter of fact, I've never been there before. 事实上我从未到过那儿。
- He describes himself as a doctor. 他自称是医生。
- A little old woman with a wrinkled face as brown as a berry told us fortunes for ten pence. 一位身材矮小、满脸皱纹、皮肤黑黑的老妇人给我们算命,收了10便士。
- It takes six years to qualify as a doctor. 要获得医师资格需时六年。
- His bedroom is not as neat as his sister's. 他的寝室没有他姐姐的整洁。
- He come to the fore as a physicist at an early age. 他在早年就成了杰出的物理学家。
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- I used to look on him as a friend. 我以前把他看作是一位朋友。