- He was an unknown painter one year ago. 一年前,他还是一个不为人知的画家。
- Pate has been dating Mary regularly for nearly one year. 差不多一年以来,皮特经常和玛丽约会。
- This product has been a best seller for nearly one year. 该货成为畅销货已经将近1年了。
- Wall Street responded by driving up Yahoo's market capitalization from about $4 billion one year ago to a high of nearly $42 billion. 华尔街对此作出的反应是将雅虎的市场资本从一年前的约40亿美元提高到将近420亿美元。
- After nearly one year, the bike he lost was returned to him. 差不多过了一年, 他丢失的那辆自行车又回到他手里了。
- One year ago, he vanishes slowly in mine memory. 过了一年的时间,他在我的记忆里慢慢消失。
- This product has been aest seller for nearly one year. 该货成为畅销货已经将近1年了。
- No, we just moved in one year ago. 不,我们一年前才搬进来。
- One year ago, however, I was fat. 然而,一年前,我很胖。
- I had an accident at that bend just one year ago. 就在一年前我在那个转弯处出了车祸。
- Rudy : It broke down one year ago. 鲁迪:它打破了一年前。
- Patient: Yes, when I took APC one year ago. 病人:一年前服用复方阿司匹林时也起过。
- The king seized power one year ago, blaming the previous government for failing to stop a nearly decade-long Maoist insurgency. 贾南德拉国王一年前夺取政权,指责前政府没有能够阻止延续十年的毛派反叛活动。
- After having been studying for nearly one year at Linguaphone I have something to share with you. 在灵格风英语培训中心学习了近一年的时间,我想跟大家分享一些学习心得。
- I came across iCIBA on the internet more than one year ago. 一年多以前,我在网上查单词,巧遇爱词霸。
- If nearly one year in eyesight did not drop apparently, does eye cancer patient have surviving hope? 如果近一年之内视力没有明显下降,眼癌患者有存活的希望吗?
- One year ago, I followed her to Norway, where her familylives. 一年前,我跟着她来到了她老家挪威。
- Will nearly one year appear double lower limbs is faint, walk flabby, but anuresis obstacle. 近一年来出现双下肢无力,走路不稳,但无尿便障碍。
- Begin nearly one year from the project, because commercial pattern is pendent, be without progress almost. 自项目开始近一年,由于商业模式悬而未决,几乎毫无进展。
- This decision broke the impasse between donor countries and Palestinian Autonomous Authorities that had lasted for nearly one year. 这一决定打破了援助国同巴自治领导机构之间延续将近一年的僵局。