- natural laws jurisprudence 自然法学
- The operation of natural law is constant. 自然法则的作用是永恒的。
- natural law jurisprudence [法] 自然法学
- In the history of law, Natural Law、 Positivist Jurisprudence and Sociological School of Law are the man role. 在法律思想史的舞台上,自然法学派、实证主义法学派、社会法学派等你方唱罢我登场,演绎着法律效力来源的不同版本。
- Story introduced the International Comity Doctrine of Huber with the guide of his jurisprudence of natural law, and established the basis of American conflicts law. 斯托雷以其自然法理论为指引引进了胡伯的国际礼让说,奠定了美国冲突法的发展根基。
- From jurisprudence aspect, many important theories in the history of private international Law were based on the theory of natural law. 摘要自然法理论作为国际私法上诸多重要理论的法哲学基石,是确立自体法理论在现代国际私法中的地位的依据。
- We study science to gain insight into natural laws. 我们学习科学,是要对自然法则有进一步的了解。
- This explanation is against the natural laws. 这种解释是违反自然规律的。
- No one can survive violating natural law. 没有人能违背自然规律而生存。
- We study science to gain deeper insight into natural laws. 我们学习科学是要获得 对自然规律更深刻的了 解.
- Another natural law mode of acquisition is delivering. 另一种自然法上的取得方式是交付。
- Natural law says, Goodies should be shared by more ppl... 请不要贴录像资料,顶多贴个声音就行了。
- We must follow the natural law. 我们必须遵守自然法则。
- A reference to "natural law" can be found in the Epistle of Paul to the Romans. 在圣保罗致罗马人的使徒书信中就已论及了“自然法”。
- The God of Abraham affirmed us that he could defile all natural laws. 亚伯拉罕的神证明祂能破坏一切自然定律。
- He linked the doctrine of natural law with the theory of popular sovereinty. 他将自然法原则同人民主权论结合起来。
- We can also acquire a thing by means of delivering according to natural law. 根据自然法,我们也可以通过交付而取得物。
- A Tendency of the Contemporary Theory of Natural Law in the Unite States. 当代美国自然法理论走势。
- John Finnis,Natural Law and Natural Rights,Oxford University Press,1980,p.88. 拉德布鲁赫:《法哲学》;王朴译;法律出版社;2005年版;第2页.
- Such acts of disobedience vindicated the superiority of natural law. 为这种拒绝服从辩护的理由就是自然法至上原则。