- multipopulation PSO 多子群粒子群
- Where can I find a hacked PSO key/keygen? 我在什么地方可以找到PSO的序列号或者是序列号生成器?
- Suggest that pso riasis could appears on oral mucosa. 提示口腔性爱粘膜可发生银屑病。
- The article use the space which include all the PSO results to train the BP. 摘要利用粒子群算法产生的优化解空间来训练BP网络。
- Based on the conception of immune operator and multipopulation,this paper proposes a multi-population based immune genetic algorithm for distribution system planning. 引入免疫算子和多种群概念,提出了一种用于配电网规划的多种群免疫遗传方法。
- Uses multi- populations cooperation optimization algorithm which PSO develops, good article. May have a look to use. 详细说明:使用PSO开发的多种群协作优化算法,好文章啊。可以看看采用啊。
- A method to evaluate spatial straightness errors adopting particle swarm optimization (PSO) is proposed. 摘要提出了一种满足最小区域法的空间直线度误差评价的新方法一粒子群算法。
- Then, the improved PSO is applied to optimization of the structure and parameters in NN (neural network). 改进的粒子群算法被用于优化神经网络的结构和参数,结果表明:不但网络的结构得到控制,而且泛化性能有了较大的提高。
- An improved PSO algorithm was presented and applied to optimal the PID parameters of electromotor. 为此,提出一种改进的PSO优化算法,并将该算法应用于电机控制系统的PID参数优化设计。
- It is showed that the PSO algorithm is an efficient method to deal with NLP problems. 结果表明 ,PSO算法在使用的普遍性、求解的准确性方面都优于一般的算法 ,是一种有效的求解NLP问题的方法
- The particle swarm optimization(PSO) algorithm is an evolutional algorithm and comprises a very simple concept. 微粒群优化(PSO)算法是一种进化算法,包含的概念简单。
- It is supposed that the hybrid PSO will be an effective method for discrete combinatory problems. 该算法是一种求解离散组合优化问题的有效方法。
- Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is an optimization algorithm based on population invented by Eberhart and kennedy. 摘要 PSO算法(微粒群算法)是一种仿生优化技术,目前国内外对该算法的研究成果已经很丰富。
- A new method was researched for system model identification via Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) in this paper. 论文研究了一种利用粒子群优化(PSO)算法对系统模型进行辨识的新方法。
- Based on the characteristic of particle swarm optimization(PSO) algorithm searching the parameter space concur... 仿真结果表明了所提算法的有效性和所设计控制器的优越性能。
- Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is easy to be trapped into local minima in optimizing multimodal function. 摘要针对利用粒子群优化算法进行多极值点函数优化时,存在陷入局部极小点和搜寻效率低的问题。
- Hybrid algorithm was composed of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and improved ant colony optimization (ACO). 采用粒子群算法与改进蚁群算法组成的混合优化算法求解模型。
- Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO for short) is a evolutionary algorithm with simple operations and few parameters. 粒子群优化算法(PSO)是一种进化算法,操作简单,参数少。
- The numerical simulation shows that PSO outperforms simulated annealing in some sense. 数值模拟表明该算法在一定意义下优于模拟退火算法。
- Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm(PSO) is a new intelligent optimization paradigm. 粒子群优化算法是一种新颖的智能优化算法。