- He wears a ring on his middle finger. 他中指上戴着指环.
- The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger. 中指的指甲长得最快。
- I've stuck a needls in my middle finger. 针刺了我的中指。
- Honey,you know, the middle finger? 亲爱的,你知道,竖中指吧!
- Applicable part : the second joint of middle finger. 可适用部份:中指的第二个关节。
- For me in present's study life middle finger perspicuity direction. 为我在今后的学习生活,指明了方向。
- An obscene gesture of defiance or derision made by pointing or jabbing the middle finger upward. Often used with the. 挑战和嘲弄的手势一种违抗或嘲笑的淫秽的手势,将中指朝上指或戳,通常与the连用
- Manipulate the chopsticks with the middle finger and the forefinger. 用中指及食指操作筷子。
- Is this abbreviate in ALD the financial middle finger of retail trade what? ALD这个缩写在零售业的财务中指什么呢?
- I'll wrap a bandage around your left middle finger to stop the bleeding. 我在你的左手中指上包条带止血。
- During menstrua-tion, the sensitivity of a woman's middle finger is reduced. 妇女来月经时中指的敏感性会降低。
- The MP joint of middle finger was unstable because of pseudoarthrosis. 术后之右中指掌指关节为连枷指。
- Usage: Pastes to the Guanyuan hole, namely under navel middle finger position. 用法:贴于关元穴,即肚脐下三指位置。
- During menstrua-tion,the sensitivity of a woman's middle finger is reduced. 妇女来月经时中指的敏感性会降低。
- An acceptable thimble is metal and fits snugly on the middle finger of the needle-holding hand. 好的顶针是金属制成的,并能舒适地戴在拿针的手的中指上。
- An obscene gesture of anger, defiance, or derision made by pointing or jabbing the middle finger upward. 下流手势用向上指或捅中指表示生气、蔑视、或嘲笑的下流手势
- Usage: Apply proper amount onto eye skin along the canthus, upper eyelid and down eyelid within middle finger. 使用方法:取适量眼霜,用中指指腹将眼霜顺著内眼角、上眼皮、眼尾下眼皮做环形轻柔抹匀。
- An obscene gesture of anger,defiance,or derision made by pointing or jabbing the middle finger upward. 下流手势用向上指或捅中指表示生气、蔑视、或嘲笑的下流手势
- An obscene gesture of defiance or derision made by pointing or jabbing the middle finger upward.Often used with the. 挑战和嘲弄的手势一种违抗或嘲笑的淫秽的手势,将中指朝上指或戳,通常与the连用
- Rubbing separatedly with thumb or forefinger and middle finger on the above mentioned points for three to six times. 用拇指或食中指指腹分别揉按以上各穴,分别自三至六次。