- Select this option if you want to use any other mail program. 如果您想要使用另外的邮件程序,请选择此选项。
- Now you can tell your mail program to send the message on. 现在你可以告诉你的邮件系统发送信息。
- Throwing away E-mail is easy enough, just delete it in the mail program. 废弃电子邮件很容易,在邮递程序里即可删掉。
- Assuming that you have a good mail program, that will be very easy for you. 假如你有一个较好的邮件程序,那就会很容易了。
- Throwing away mail is easy enough, just delete it in the mail program. 废弃邮件很容易,在邮递程序里即可删掉。
- Yellow ellipsoids are mail programs. 黄色椭圆是邮件程序。
- Run the package, and then view the mail messages that contain the logging output in your mail program. 运行该包,然后在邮件程序中查看包含日志记录输出的邮件。
- Access opens your mail program and creates a new message, with the address and subject filled in. Access将打开邮件程序,并创建一个新邮件,还自动填好邮件的地址和主题。
- Just configure your favorite graphical mail program to use the correct servers to send and receive e-mail how is outside the scope of this manual. 只须配置您喜爱的图形界面邮件程序使用正确的服务器来发送和接收e-mail配置方法超出了本手册的范围。
- You have selected an Internet Mail program for which you have more than one account. Select the account that you want to import from the list below. 您选择的Internet邮件程序有多个帐户。请从以下列表中选择您想导入的帐户。
- Sending mail is easy, you run your mail program and type the address you want to send mail to, it may ask you for a Subject Line. 发送邮件十分简单。你先运行邮件程序,然后键入你想发邮件的地址,系统可能会让你键入主题行,然后你就可以键入信件内容了,你想写什么都可以,篇幅长短也任意。
- You have configured Netscape Communicator to use an external mail program, but since the POSTAL DLL can't be found, Netscape messenger will be used instead. 您已配置了Netscape通信器,让其使用一个外部邮件程序。但由于找不到postal DLL,将使用"Netscape 信使"来替代。
- To prevent users from running e-mail attachments, you can create a path rule for your mail program's attachment folder that prevents users from running e-mail attachments. 要防止用户运行电子邮件附件,可为邮件程序的附件文件夹创建一个防止用户运行电子邮件附件的路径规则。
- Even if you are planning to use a graphical mail program, it is important that a traditional MTA MDA is also installed and correctly set up on your Linux system. 即使您打算使用图形界面的邮件程序,安装传统的MTA MDA并正确架设在您的Linux系统上也是很重要的。
- You have configured Netscape Communicator to use an external mail program, but since an old version of the POSTAL DLL was encountered, Netscape messenger will be used instead. 您已配置了Netscape通信器,让其使用一个外部邮件程序。但由于遇到了旧版本的。
- Communicator has found another mail program on your machine. If you're currently using another program, Communicator can import your mail or news settings from it. 通信器在您的机器上找到了另一个邮件程序。如果您当前使用的是其它程序,通信器可以从它调入邮件或新闻设置。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- Assuming that you have a real mail program, you usually read messages by moving the cursor to the message of interest and pressing Enter to view the message. 假设你有一个较好的邮件程序,读邮件时通常的是将光标移至你感兴趣的消息处并按下enter键来阅读消息。
- This utility will import mail messages and address books from the mail programs listed below. 此实用程序将从下面列出的邮件程序中导入邮件消息和通讯录。
- Most mail programs have a favorite directory for mailboxes, usually called something like Mail . 多数邮件程序都有一个信箱目录,称作mail,,这是你放置信箱的好地方。