- lunar caustic 硝酸银
- A lunar occultation of a quasar. 类星体的月星掩测定
- A month, especially a lunar month. 太阴月一个月,尤指阴历的月
- A luminous spot on a lunar halo. 幻月,假月月晕上的光斑
- John's always making caustic remarks about other people. 约翰老是说些讥讽别人的刻薄话。
- The astronauts piloted their craft down to the lunar surface. 宇航员驾驶宇宙飞船在月球表面降落。
- The caustic remark dented her ego (or pride). 那种尖利刻薄的话语伤害了她的自尊心。
- Her caustic remark gave him a foretaste of her anger. 她的刻薄话使他预感到她的愤怒。
- He delights in making caustic remarks. 他爱损人。
- It was reported that there would be a lunar eclipse tomorrow evening. 据报道说,明天晚上有月食。
- Zinc is generally caustic to foliage. 锌常对幼叶有腐蚀作用。
- A caustic material or substance. 腐蚀性物质或材料
- News of the lunar landing swept the country. 登陆月球的消息一下传遍全国
- A young Air Force officer served as lunar module pilot for Apollo 16. 一位年轻的空军军官担任了阿波罗16号登月舱的驾驶员。
- He opened his mouth to make a caustic retort. 他张嘴开始进行刻薄的反击。
- The lunar gravity is about one-sixth that on earth. 月亮的引力大约为地球的六分之一。
- He was taken aback by her caustic remarks. 她挑衅似的言辞使他大吃一惊
- Solar perturbation of the lunar orbit. 出差由于太阳引力引起的月球轨道运动的摄动
- The Spring Festival is the lunar New Year. 春节即农历新年。
- Next day was the last day of the old lunar year. 第二天是旧历这一年的最后一天。