- Local structure from diffraction (edited by S.J.L Billinge and M.F. Thorpe)好像提到过要扣除基地材料或空气的散射图谱再计算分布函数。
- Raman scattering spectra of the glass demonstrate that the local structure of glass network is changed . 玻璃的Raman散射光谱显示:这种玻璃的网络局域结构发生了变化。
- The local structure is constructed by a minutia and its 4-nearest neighborhood minutiae. 以一个细节点和它的4个最近邻域细节点所组成的拓扑图,构造出一种局部结构。
- The distribution, coordinated envirnoment and local structure of iron species in HZSM-5 were revealed by XAFS, UV-Raman and ESR. 用X射线精细结构谱(XAFS)、紫外拉曼光谱(UV-Raman)和电子自旋共振谱(ESR)等对HZSM-5沸石中铁物种分布状态、配位环境、局域结构等进行了详细表征。
- This paper analysis feature, property, cause of formation and distribute of failure and local structure and expound basinal evolution in Xihu Trough. 本文通过对该区区域地震资料的研究,分析断裂和局部构造的特征、性质、成因机制和分布范围,阐述西湖凹陷的演化历史。
- Objective To study the dural migration of sinus cavernous and related movement of cranial nerves,a basic model was set up to understand its local structure. 目的研究海绵窦部硬脑膜的移行及相关脑神经的走行,建立一个基本的模型,更好的理解该局部的结构。
- Predominance OHSA SHs local structure means that OHSA SH have direct access to local knowledge of issue such as regulation, consumer concerns and cultural sensitivities. 欧萨上海由于是本土企业,这意味着我们熟知当地的法规、客户关心焦点以及文化敏感问题。
- OHSA SH 's local structure means that OHSA SH have direct access to local knowledge of issue such as regulation, consumer concerns and cultural sensitivities. 欧萨(OHSA)上海由于是本土企业,这意味着我们熟知当地的法规、客户关心焦点以及文化敏感问题。
- On the contrary, the local structures around Cu atoms in both Fe 80 Cu 20 and Fe 90 Cu 10 alloys show a transition from fcc to bcc structure. 与之相反 ;当x 2 0时 ;Fe原子的近邻配位保持bcc结构而Cu原子的近邻配位结构从fcc转变为bcc结构 .
- Secondly, to combine the merit of Fisher discriminant analysis and laplacian graph: Linear discriminant analysis can obtain the best projecting direction and laplacian graph can preserve the local structure. 其次,结合Fisher准则函数和拉普拉斯图的特性:线性鉴别分析寻找最优的投影方向和拉普拉斯图保留本地结构信息的优点,本文第三章提出了广义的拉普拉斯鉴别分析方法。
- In this paper a SRV white-body test modal analysis was completed.According to the test result adjusting the local structure of the white-body,the inner noise and the NVH quality were improved. 将试验模态技术应用到某SRV白车身的结构动态分析中,并通过对白车身模态和车内噪声优势频率的关联分析,确定该白车身模态分布对车内噪声峰值的影响,从而通过改变白车身的某些局部结构,降低车内噪声峰值,提高整车NVH水平。
- In Wenjisang area, side updip pinchout lithologic deposit had developed on the two flanks of local structure, and complicated fault block reservoir had developed in Wennan area.Reservoirs are pr... 在高分辨层序地层学指导下开展储层横向预测,以人机工作站为平台的全三维地震目标处理、解释及断层封堵性研究是进一步挖掘本区潜在目标的关键技术。
- In order to preserve the local structure of the image space, locality preserving projection (LPP) is applied to palmprint recognition. 为了保持掌纹空间的局部结构,运用局部保持投影(LPP)方法进行掌纹识别。
- The study suggests that exploration of the Silurian must break through the idea of local structure controlling hydrocarbon accumulation.Lithologic reservoirs are the main exploration targets. 塔中志留系的勘探要突破局部构造控油的思路.把岩性油藏作为志留系的主要勘探对象;
- Under the shear wind aloft conditions in the winter season,the fairing of the launch vehicle suffered local structural damage. 在冬季高空切变风条件下,运载火箭整流罩局部结构破坏。
- The removal of a part of F~- from AlF_6~(3-) makes it disintegrated into some local structures like AlF_4~- or AlF_5~(2-). AlF_63-部分解体成为可用AlF_4-,AlF_52-代表的局部结构。
- This area is an uplifted area from eopaleozoic era through early neopaleozoic era, and is characterized by complex local structures. 综合分析认为,该区主要发育4类构造圈闭和2类岩性圈闭。
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
- My husband is a history teacher at the local school. 我丈夫是本地学校的一位历史教师。
- C 、 unique localization structure and precision high mere distance system,guarantee the exactness and repetitiveness of the measurement value effectively. C.;独特的定位结构及高精度的光路系统,有效保证测量值的正确性及重复性。