- This will come swiftly and will not be measured in linear time. 这将很快来到而将不会在线性时间里被测量。
- The cycles makes is appear as linear time in sequence and synchronicity. 这个周期就制造了像按顺序和同步性运作的线性时间。
- A linear time algorithm for producing such a coloring is presented also. 论文还给出了寻找这样一种着色的线性时间的算法。
- In this paper, we study the minimum-weight feedback vertex set problem in outerplanar graphs and present a linear time algorithm to solve it. 本文主要考虑外平面图中的反馈点集并给出了一个求外平面图最小顶点赋权反馈点集的线性时间算法。
- The Waveform and Spectrum of Input and Output Random Processes of A Linear Time Invariant System. 输入与输出线性非时变系统之随机电压其波形及频谱。
- Linear time size : The intrusive container doesn't hold a size member that is updated with every insertion/erasure. 线性时间的size:此类介入式容器不存在一个在每次插入/删除时更新的size成员。
- Coding DTD can test the logical implication problem of XML function dependency in linear time. 编码后的DTD能在线性时间内对XML函数依赖的逻辑蕴涵问题进行判定。
- Traditional linear time series analysis methods have no use to detect thechaotic and fractal behaviors, but nonlinear ones can do the job. 这些特征用传统的线性时间序列方法难以检测,只有用非线性时间序列分析的方法才能够揭示出来。
- From the point of view of dreamtime and other realms of conscious awareness - our reality is but a projected illusion in linear time. 来自梦想时间的观点和其它意识知觉领域-我们的实相就只是被投射在线性时间中的幻想。
- This paper develops a new VMI model with linear time varying demand and partial backlogging, which includes a single vendor and buyer and from raw material to final product. 摘要考虑订货商面临线性时变需求和仓库在出空期间出现短缺量部分拖后的情况,提出了一个从原材料到产成品包括单一供应商和订货商的供应商管理库存模型,并进行了最优解仿真寻优计算。
- It gives you the illusion of living in a field of duality and gives you the illusion of linear time, which gives you a path to follow. 它给你住在一个二元性的领域中的幻影同时给你线性时间的幻影,这让你有一条路径跟随。
- Linear Time Algorithms to the Minimum AllOnes Problem for Unicyclic and Bicyclic Graphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Math., 17 (2004), 93-98. 基于模糊数学集合的数字图像模糊度;计算机辅助设计与图形学学报;14(2002).
- The solvability conditions of the LQ inverse problem for the multivariable linear time invariant system is studied iwth the polynomial matrix method. 利用多项矩阵方法研究了多变量线性定常系统LQ逆问题的可解性条件,得到了一般情形下的LQ逆问题解的充要条件及其代数描述。
- The robust fault detection filter(RFDF) design problem for linear time invariant(LTI) system with unknown inputs is studied. 摘要 针对包含未知输入的线性时不变系统,研究了其鲁棒故障检测滤波器设计问题。
- How much linear time do we have left? I mean, we've got to get cranking to raise our vibrations. Can you tell us about when the Shift will take place? 我们还有多少线性时间呢?我的意思是,我们必须得到启动来提升我们的振动力。你能告诉我们关于转移将于何时发生吗?
- It implies a slight performance overhead in some operations and can convert some constant time operations to linear time operations. 它意味着某些操作会有轻微的性能开销,也可能将一些常量时间的操作变为线性时间。
- It is a virtual reality eXperiment in linear time and emotion created by a consciousness source through which our souls experience in many dimensions simultaneously. 它是在经由意识来源创造的线性时间和情感的虚拟现实体验,经由意识来源我们的灵魂同时在多维空间里的体验。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。