- Inspect the closing of louver of funnel. 检测烟囱百叶窗的闭合性。
- All products can be collocated with louver. 该系列产品均可配上百叶窗。
- Can you find it in the world-class museums, such as the Louver? 你能否在世界一流的博物馆,如卢浮宫中找着呢?
- AROC Series aluminum louver with outside vent control. AROC系列铝制百叶窗,设计用于外界通风控制。
- The louver is always closed in order to protect from steam and fly coming into. 那里的百叶窗长年关闭着,以防热气和苍蝇进去。
- A lightproof cartridge containing photographic film or plates, used in specially designed cameras. 暗匣装有摄影胶卷或感光板的防光胶卷盒,用在特殊设计的照相机中
- A lightproof cartridge containing photographic film or plates,used in specially designed cameras. 暗匣装有摄影胶卷或感光板的防光胶卷盒,用在特殊设计的照相机中
- A lightproof case with photographic film that can be loaded directly into a camera. 暗盒可直接装入照相机中,内放照相胶卷的防止光线进入的小盒子。
- Coating film waterproof, oil-proof, dustproof and lightproof, candy be not intenerated, slimy or changed shape. 包上膜衣,可防水、防油、防尘、遮光,糖果不受潮、不粘连、不变形。
- Nor, if a work does get stolen, is the Louver necessarily likely to know about it. 而且,就算真的有画被偷了,卢浮宫方面也不一定能知道。
- Effects of package on tomato were analyzed;it was considered that cut-tomato would be packaged with lightproof package. 分析包装对西红柿保鲜的影响作用;认为切分西红柿应采用避光包装保存.
- Including fixed shutter and removable shutter, Can ventilate and lightproof easily.
Removable shutter. 百叶窗可分为活动百叶和固定百叶,能够实现通风、遮阳等功能。 - Inspect the convenience and reliability of all kinds of doors、windows、manhole covers、hatch .Inspect the closing of louver of funnel. 检查各种门、窗、人孔盖、烟囱百叶窗、舱口盖操作的便利性和可靠性。检测烟囱百叶窗的闭合性。
- Oh, the normal things - went to the Louver and Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower and so on. 噢,通常做的事??到卢浮宫、巴黎圣母院、埃菲尔铁塔等等。
- The back wind opening and exhaust opening which is near the floor of the cleaning room should adopt vertical louver. 洁净室下回风口、下排风口宜采用竖向百叶风口。
- The Unique Blade Louver Damper with heared sear air is the solution to large crosssection/high temperature damper applications such as Air Heater Isolation,FGD Systems. 带加热密封空气的单层叶片百叶窗式档板门;可用于大截面烟道档板门和高温档板门.;例如:空气加热器的隔绝门;烟气脱硫系统中
- BFV tray, louver jet tray and SFV tray were used in separate sections of the FCC main fractionator. 根据催化裂化主分馏塔各段的汽液负荷及结盐、结焦情况,采用BFV固阀塔板、百叶窗式喷射塔板以及SFV浮阀塔板成套技术对其进行改造。
- The statue treasure Venus in the Louver shows the glowing mien of the Godess of Beauty to thousands of eyes. 巴黎罗浮宫的雕塑珍品维纳斯,把美神的奕奕神采,展现于千千万万的明眸之中。
- In this paper,numerical calculation was used to predict erosion profile of blades and wall in the louver concentrator. 通过数值计算方法预测了百叶窗浓缩器内叶片及壁面磨损的情况。
- Analysis is done to the flow direction and speed through the first louver of power car cooling channel. 分析了动力车冷却风道一位百叶窗空气流向、流速。