- It is orbiting a star called Gliese 876, 15 light years from Earth, with an orbit time of just 1.94 Earth days. 这颗行星围绕着一颗名为“格里斯876”的恒星运转,该恒星距地球15光年,绕轨道运行一周的时间约为地球上的1.;94天。
- Only about 407 light years from Earth, Rho Oph is one of the closest star-forming regions to us. 蛇夫座距离地球只有407光年远,它是距离我们最近的恒星2发源地之一。
- A new look at Stephan's Quintet, a compact group of galaxies discovered about 130 years ago and located 280million light years from Earth. 四星系碰撞,约130年前,发现距离地球2.;8亿光年的星系紧凑组发现新的面貌。
- The water vapor was found 11.5 billion light years from Earth, using the 100-meter Effelsberg radio telescope at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Leipzig, Germany. 隶属于卜朗克无线电波天文研究院的伊费尔斯堡无线电波天文台,使用反射镜直径达100公尺的无线电波望远镜,在离地球115亿光年之处发现水蒸气。
- The Sombrero, also known as M104, is one of the largest galaxies in the nearby Virgo cluster, about 28 million light years from Earth. 草帽星系又叫M104,是邻近室女座星系团中最大的成员之一,距离地球约2800万光年。
- Because the stars are so far away, astronomers measure their distance from Earth in “light years”. 因为星星离地球太遥远,于是,天文学家用光年来计算两者的距离。
- The planet is located about 1,400 light years away from Earth and zips around its parent star in only three and a half days. 该行星距地球约1,400光年,绕其主行星一周仅用三天半的时间。
- A star in the constellation Leo, approximately43light - years from Earth. 德尼波拉星狮子座的一颗恒星,距地球大约43光年
- light years from Earth 距离地球光年
- The Pleiades is a white star cluster that is roughly500 light years from Earth. It is known as M45. It is located in the constellation of Taurus. 昴宿星是白星团,大致离地球500光年。它如M45一样闻名。它位于金牛星座里。
- The Loop I Bubble was created by supernovae and stellar winds in the Scorpius-Centaurus Association, some 500 light years from the Sun. 在天蝎-半人马星协内是由超新星和恒星风造成的,距离太阳500光年。
- A double star in the constellation Gemini, the brightest star in the group, approximately46light - years from Earth. 北河二双子座中的一颗双星,是这组星中最明亮的一颗,距地球约46光年
- A bright - red intrinsic variable star, 527light - years from Earth, in the constellation Orion. 参宿四位于猎户星座的一颗鲜红色固有变星,距地球572光年
- A very bright, variable, double star in the constellation Aquila, approximately15.7light - years from Earth. 牵牛星,河鼓二天鹰座的一颗非常明亮的,易变的双星,距地球约15。7光年
- The first is a pair of planets, each about the mass of Jupiter, that whirl around their home star 15light years from Earth in perfect lockstep. 第一项是一对行星,每个大小和木星相仿,它们一前一后绕着距离地球15光年的一颗行星运行。
- A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Lynx and Perseus that contains the bright star Capella, which is42light - years from Earth. 御夫星座北天球一星座,位于天猫星座和英仙星座附近,五车二是其中最明亮的一颗星,距离地球四十二光年
- The distance of a light year boggles the imagination. 一光年的距离大得令人难以想象。
- A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere between Lacerta and Perseus and south of Cassiopeia.It contains a large spiral galaxy visible to the naked eye.The spiral is1.84?05light - years from Earth. 仙女座北半球的一个星座,在蝎虎座和英仙座之间,仙后座以南,包括肉眼可见的大片旋涡星云,其旋涡星云距地球为1。84?05光年
- We are twelve billion light years from the edge 我们在十二亿光年的边缘
- Nobody can go in without a letter from Earth Commander. 没有地球司令的信谁也不能进去。