- The gospel and pholosophy have a large difference. 福音和哲学有很大的不同。
- But there is large difference between your counterbid and our price. 但你方的还盘与我方的价格差距太大了。
- Large difference in style from appearance," Jane Evre" and Wuthering Heights have greet resemblance in reality. 从表面看,《简·》和《呼啸山庄》在风格上差距很大,但实际上两者存在着极大的“近似性”。
- There isn't a large difference in the room prices at these two hotels, it's roughly the same. 这两家饭店的房价差别不大,大致相同。
- For laying in ground along route with large difference of level, able to bear external mechanical forces. 敷设在高落差地区,电缆能承受机械外力作用及相当的拉力。
- It indicates: to some degree, SME and ACME is close to analogical mapping thinking of human, but IAM is large difference. 这表明在一定条件下SME和ACME似乎更符合人的类比映射思维,而IAM相差较远。
- As the large difference between the bid and we ultimate holding company of PEM have more confidence. 由于报价相差较大,我们对公司最终控股PEM比较有信心。
- Because we can see, on European there are very large difference among countries on the rate of implantation. 我们可以发现医疗器械的植入率在欧洲各个国家之间有很大差异。
- The average reflectance of vitrinite of outcrop sandstones is not large difference from core sandstones’. 露头砂岩与岩芯砂岩的镜质体反射率无较大差别。
- Large difference exists among maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines in P uptake and utilization efficiency. 玉米自交系在磷的吸收利用方面存在着基因型差异。
- For laying I water or in ground along route with large difference of level, able to bear external mechanical force and moderate pulling force. 适用于水中或高落差地区,能承受机械外力作用和相当的拉力。
- The reasons for this large difference is that many of these errors are not detected until well after they have been made. 这么大的差距的原因在于,在产品完成前很多错误不能被检测出来。
- A large difference between actual and estimate is a warning sign that the optimizer might not have sufficient information to choose a good access plan. 如果实际值和预计值之间存在较大的差异,则表明要注意优化程序可能没有足够的信息来选择好的访问计划。
- Today,a large difference exists in quality study during the development of the chemicals of the obtained official standard. 目前,仿制已有国家标准药品的研制开发工作,在质量研究方面存在的差异较大。
- Protein quantities and varieties derived from Beijing Miaofengshan Rosa rugosa Jinding and Shandong Pingyin Fenghua Rosa have a large difference. 采自北京妙峰山的金顶玫瑰与采自山东平阴的丰花玫瑰相似度较低;
- Another large difference is added box ” “ plybamboo as a products'packing of an important package included in the specification. 另一个较大的不同是增加了“竹胶合板箱”作为产品包装的一种重要的包装形式列入标准中。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- The key point is the surprisingly large difference we found between the northern and southern U.S.A.," said the lead author, Dr. Carlos Camargo Jr. Of Harvard. 关键的一点是出乎意料的差异很大,我们发现在北部和南部美国,"主要作者,卡洛斯博士Camargo先生霍尔特哈佛。
- A large difference between temperature and dew point indicates that the air at that level is dry, whereas a small difference indicates that the air is moist. 当温度与露点相差大时,表示该高度的空气乾燥。相反当温度及露点相差小时则空气潮湿。
- There is a large difference between countries when they choose transition way, because they are limited by beginning condition, especially the economical and political condition. 摘要由于受到初始条件,尤其是转轨中经济和政治状况的制约,转轨中的路径选择在各国间具有很大的差异。