- Ferdinand A. Gul , “ Government Share Ownership , Investment Opportunity Set and Corporate Policy Choices in China , ” Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 7 , 1999 , pp.157-72. 许小年,以法人机构为主体建立公司治理结构和资本市场,改革第5期,1997。
- investment opportunity set(IOS) 投资机会集(IOS)
- investment opportunity set 投资机会集
- This is a perennial investment opportunity. 这就是一个长期的投资机会。
- However, center B will accept the new investment opportunity by means of RI. 然而,根据剩余收益来决策,B投资中心将采纳新投资项目。
- Macquarie ELI Products offer an investment opportunity that gives the potential to earn competitive returns. 麦格理ELI产品提供一个具可观潜在回报收益的投资机会。
- If you forge this immediate chance, it means that you have missed the perfect investment opportunity. 你如果放弃眼前的这次机会,就意味着会错过投资的绝好时机。
- No tenor applies and you can withdraw your money anytime to capitalize on every investment opportunity that comes by. 可随时提取存款,以捕捉最新的投资机会,毋须受存款期所限。
- HIL assures that its clients will be in a position to capitalize on every investment opportunity. 公司的研究部会为客户提供准确及专业的市场讯息和分析,配合经验丰富的客户主任,令客户掌握每一个投资机会。
- As a typical cyclical industry, the industry at the time of reversal is the best investment opportunity. 作为典型的周期性行业,行业反转之时是最佳的投资时机。
- A great investment opportunity occurs when a marvelous business encounters a onetime huge but solvable problem. 当一家绩优企业面临一个严重但可解决的问题时,这就是一个很棒的投资机会。
- When analyzing R &D investment decision, R &D investment chance can been taken as American option of current investment opportunity. 在分析R &D投资决策时;把R &D投资机会理解为当前投资机会的美式买入期权.
- Managers are always thinking about two uncertainly questions - the availabilities of investment opportunity, and the cost of employed capital. 摘要(中) 公司财务经理始终思考两个不确定性问题:第一为投资机会的多寡,第二为资金成本的高低。
- He also thinks that lending small amounts of money to regular folks is an investment opportunity that's hoarded by big financial institutions. 他也认为借给老百姓少量钱是一种投资机会,但这种机会却被大的金融机构所私藏。
- Profitless investment opportunity leaves in normal market condition, below the favourable policy of each district government, become again profitable. 在正常市场条件下无利可图的投资机会,在各地政府的优惠政策下,又变成有利可图了。
- Apart from providing Hong Kong investors with a new investment opportunity,TraHK should also help to increase the depth and liquidity of the stock and futures market in Hong Kong. 除了为香港投资者提供新的投资机会外,盈富基金也有助促进香港股票和期货市场的全面发展和流通性。
- We also welcome you to our investment seminars in order to keep you abreast of the latest market developments and to capitalize on each valuable investment opportunity. 此外,我们亦会邀请您出席本行所举办的投资研讨会,助您紧贴市场走势,捕捉每个投资良机。
- To instill confidence in ITT as a solutions provider, employer of choice and investment opportunity by promoting ideals of corporate fairness, transparency and accountability. ITT公司作为一个解决方案供应商,承诺雇主的选择和投资机会,都会本着公平性,透明度和问责制的原则。
- As Internet Trading is a new investment opportunity, based on very low barriers of entry, a drastic need for professionalism and best practice policies are necessary. 因为互联网交易是一个新的投资机会,入门门槛非常低,因此,对专业人才的需求和掌握操作政策是理所当然的。
- At the appointed time, still will invite the investment business that pays close attention to mobile Internet, disentomb jointly investment opportunity. 届时,还将邀请关注移动互联网的投资商,共同发掘投资机会。