- Hilbert transform was an important tool that mades the plan feasible. 希尔伯特变换是该方案实现的一个重要工具。
- The reconstruction signals were demodulated with Hilbert transform, and envelope spectrum at each band was obtained. 利用希尔伯特变换解调分析各频带信号,得到对应频带信号的包络谱;
- This method is based on two major parts: empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and Hilbert transform. HHT方法包括两个主要步骤-EMD分解和Hilbert变换。
- Considering modulated amplitude of bearing signal, the Hilbert transform is adopted in signal processing. 考虑到滚动轴承信号幅值调制特点,在本方法中,对处理信号采用了希尔伯特变换技术,以进行解调。
- The algorithm is based on 2-D directional wavelet, which is implemented via Hilbert transform pairs. 该方法利用基于希尔伯特变换对的二维方向小波,这种小波变换具有平移不变性、方向检测性好的特点。
- As an application, the boundedness of Hilbert transform on the weighted Hardy space is proved. 英文摘要: The molecular characterization of the weighted atomic Hardy spaceHp;q;sw is given.
- There are two types of end effects in the empirical mode decomposition method: in the spline interpolation and in the Hilbert transform. 经验模态分解方法中,有两种端点效应:在样条插值中以及在希尔伯特变换中。
- Imaginary seismogram is obtained by Hilbert transform and three instantaneous information is obtained by complex seismic trace analysis method in this paper. 复地震道分析又称三瞬分析,该分析方法可将反映地震信号局部变化情况的地震波的瞬时振幅、瞬时相位和瞬时频率等信息分离开。
- This paper describes various methods of analog modulation( including DSB, SSB, AM and FM) based on Convolution Theorem and Hilbert Transform unitedly to simplify the theoretical analysis in the" communication principle" course. 本文基于信号处理概念中的卷积定理和希尔伯特变换统一地描述各种模拟调制方式(括DSB,SSB,AM,fm)原理,旨在简化“通信基础"课程中关于模拟调制理论的分析。
- Compared with traditional DEMON analysis, the result shows that modulated information of radiated noise of naval ships can be extracted more quickly through wavelet and Hilbert transform. 其结果表明;相对于传统DEMON分析;利用小波以及希尔伯特变换可以更快更好地提取舰船辐射噪声的调制信息.
- Furthermore, the experiment on visual-audio simultaneous stimulus was designed to acquire real data, and averaged ERP (event-related potential) data were utilized to get the synchronization index by means of Hilbert transform phase method. 进一步设计视听觉脑功能区域同时认知的脑电实验,应用希尔伯特方法对真实脑电数据的事件相关电位(ERP)进行同步性量化。
- It extracts the high frequency components related to spikes in EEG signal by EMD method. It detects the spikes by calculating the instantaneous amplitude of the high component with Hilbert transform. 这种方法将EMD分解与Hilbert变换相结合,自适应地提取原始EEG信号中包含棘波特征的高频分量。
- A quadrature filter pair is designed to analysis the dominant orientation and local orientation energy in registered images firstly, which consists of a steerable filter and its Hilbert transform. 即采用方向可调滤波器及其Hilbert变换组成的正交滤波器组,分析两幅已配准源图的主要方向及局部方向能量。
- The analytical signals are acquired by means of Hilbert transformation of the original signals,the enveloped signals are calculated from the analytical signals. 其中,故障信号的提取是一个关键问题。
- Discrete-Time Hilbert transformer (12) isolates the only the positive spectral peaks, thus yielding a VAC signal that affords greater control over zero crossings. 一离散时间希尔伯特变换器(12)仅分离正的频谱峰值,由此产生一VAC信号,该信号对过零点提供良好的控制。
- This is the inverse of his earlier proposition. 这和他早些时候提的建议截然相反。
- A Digital Downconverter based on Hilbert Transform 基于希尔伯特变换的数字下变频器
- Hilbert transform along parabola 沿抛物线的Hilbert变换
- high-order pseudo Hilbert transform 高阶伪希尔伯特变换
- Firstly, tested signals are decomposed into number of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) by using local wave method, and time-frequency spectrums of IMFs are acquired by means of Hilbert transformation. 首先使用局域波法将实测信号分解为多个基本模式分量,经过希尔伯特变换得到各分量的时频谱;