- Research on International Terrorist Crime and its International Criminal Liability 试论国际恐怖主义犯罪及其国际刑事责任
- International Terrorist Crimes Going Non-political 关于国际恐怖主义犯罪非政治化问题的探讨
- international terrorist crime 国际恐怖主义犯罪
- The Principles of Criminal Jurisdiction on International Terrorist Crimes 国际恐怖主义犯罪的刑事管辖原则
- All terrorist crime is detestable, whoever the victims. 无论受害者是谁,一切恐怖主义罪行都是可憎的。
- The terrorist crimes dripped horror. 恐怖分子的罪行令人发指。
- Skepticism and the sense of life nihility provide psychological hotbed for the spread of terrorist crime. 怀疑主义和对生命的虚无感,为恐怖主义罪行的蔓延提供了心理温床。
- This week Mr Kasuri and Mr Mukherjee vowed to share intelligence on the latest terrorist crime. 本周卡苏里和慕克杰宣布将会在调查最近的恐怖罪行时共享情报。
- The "Eastern Turkestan" terrorist forces are trained, equipped and financed by international terrorist organizations. “东突”恐怖势力受到国际恐怖组织的训练、武装和资助。
- Thoroughly expose the conspiratorial international terrorist organizations and put an end to their inhuman plans! 彻底揭露国际恐怖组织的阴谋,并制止他们非人道的计划!
- The international community should strengthen dialogue and consultation and develop cooperation to jointly strike international terrorist activities. 国际社会应加强对话和磋商,开展合作,共同打击国际恐怖活动。
- Chinese officials say police have raided what they call a "terrorist camp" in Xinjiang with links to "international terrorist forces. 中国官员说,中国警方突袭了他们所说的新疆的一个与“国际恐怖势力”有联系的“恐怖分子营地”。
- Police officer Jack Wild (Reinhold) discovers that the well-known international terrorist Hans Becker (Roden) is on a train, carrying wealthy business men, and his girlfriend. 警官杰克野生(莱茵)发现,众所周知的国际恐怖主义汉斯贝克尔(罗登)是在火车上,开展富有商业男子,和他的女朋友。
- They were vilified by the press as 'international terrorists'. 他们被新闻界污蔑为“国际恐怖主义分子”。
- Officials in the city of Kashgar says the groups, including the East Turkistan Islamic Movement and Hizb ut-Tahrir, were linked to international terrorist organizations. 喀什市官员说,包括“东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动”和“伊斯兰解放党”在内的恐怖组织与国际恐怖组织有牵连。
- Amid the welter of American lawsuits are some that claim that Mr.Hussein’s government had a hand in international terrorist acts, including the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. 由于在混乱的美国诉讼中有些是先生声称,萨达姆政府已经插手国际恐怖主义行为,包括911事件, 2001年。
- Regional conflicts, environmental degradation and terrorist crimes are plaguing the people of the world. 地区冲突、环境恶化和恐怖犯罪困扰着全球人民。
- There Points about Terrorist Crime 恐怖犯罪三题
- Terrorist Crime and the Relevant Legal Punishment 恐怖犯罪及其法律惩治
- It was reported that CIA's conclusion has overruled the suggestion of Iraqi links with international terrorist organizations. Hence, Bush administration has to focus on accusing Baghdad for attempting to acquire chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. 报道说,鉴于中央情报局的结论否定了伊拉克与国际恐怖组织有牵连的说法,布什政府只好把对伊拉克的指控集中在巴格达正试图获得化学、生物和核武器问题上。