- intergrator discriminator 积分式鉴别电路
- The strategy and the discriminator type is implicit. 该策略和鉴别器类型是内含的。
- A resistance-to-frequency converter using a bridge amplifier, an intergrator and a comnparator is described. 介绍了一种采用惠斯登电桥放大器、积分器、比较器等组成的电阻-频率变换器。
- For high count-rate of the EELCS is designed a new non-delay-line constant fraction discriminator and a spectroscopy amplifier with pile up rejection. 考虑到谱仪的高计数率的特点,设计了适应高计数率的反堆积放大器和无延迟线恒比定时甄别器。
- This circuit can be widely used in input amplitude discriminator and anticoincidence test. 该反符合电路主要用于输入信号幅度甄别和反符合测量。
- In an FM receiver, the limiter and discriminator stages are circuits that respond solely to changes in frequency. 在调频接收器中,限幅器和鉴别器这两个设备仅对频率的变化做出反应。
- A simpler and more useful phase discriminator was designed because the export pulses can not change at the same time. 根据编码器输出信号不能同时跳变的特点,设计了一种更简单有效的双向触发鉴相电路。
- Using the code, we produced a gear-like discriminator by MEMS fabrication technologies. 根据生成的编码,使用MEMS加工技术,“一体化”加工完成了基于UQS技术的齿轮鉴码机构。
- Working principle,design methods and testing results of a small microwave phase discriminator are proposed. 描述了小型微波鉴相器的工作原理、设计方法和测试结果。
- Quartz crystal, crystal oscillator, ceramic resonator, ceramic filter, saw filter, ceramic discriminator. 石英谐振器,石英震荡器,陶瓷谐振器,陶瓷滤波器,声表面滤波器,鉴频器
- The discriminator we got will further drive the development of micro code-locks. 此齿轮鉴码机构对微机械密码锁的推广应用具有重要的意义。
- They make sure that through education and economic power,they can shame any potential discriminator into a puddle of self-effacing disgrace. 通过提高教育和经济水平,他们有信心让有意歧视他们的人感到无地自容。
- A hybrid circuit consists of charge sensitive preamplifier,main amplifier,discriminator and shaping circuit was described. 介绍一种由电荷灵敏前置放大器、主放大器、甄别器、成形电路所组成的一体化电路。
- The result shows that when the discriminator level increases, the time error of noise will decrease, but time error of signal shape will increase. 其中,噪声的影响随着甄别阈的降低而增大,而形状差异的影响则随着甄别阈的降低而减小,为了取得最佳的时间分辨率,必须慎重选择甄别阈。
- The phase-locked loop by the discriminator, the ring circuit filter and the pressure controls the oscillator to be composed. 锁相环由鉴相器、环路滤波器和压控振荡器组成。
- They make sure that through education and economic power, they can shame any potential discriminator into a puddle of self-effacing disgrace. 通过提高教育和经济水平,他们有信心让有意歧视他们的人感到无地自容。
- In the receiver, the tone is detected right off the discriminator before any audio processing and decoded allowing the receiver to unmute. 在接收器一端,亚音频检测器在任何音频处理前检测音频信号,如果可以翻译出亚音频信号,则允许接受机解除静音状态。
- In still other cases, arbitrage may be both possible and potentially profitable, but the price discriminator may be able to subvert it effectively. 在另外的例子中,套利存在可能及潜在的套利机会。不过价格制定者可能会在暗中破坏。
- But our findings suggest that assessing morphology is the best discriminator of fertility and infertility," Guzick tells WebMD. 研究结果显示形态学评估结果是区分不育和生育力正常的最佳手段。
- Traditional mechanical code discriminator has complex structure,many moveable parts,larger volume and difficult to be fabricated and assembled. 传统机械密码鉴别器结构复杂,可动件多,体积较大,对加工工艺和装配要求很高。