- Involving interchange; reciprocal. 涉及交换的; 相互的
- interchange deformation 互换型变形
- We should leave the motorway at the next interchange. 我们应该在下一个立体交叉道驶离高速公路。
- This is the subway interchange station. 这是地铁中转换乘站。
- Do not remove or interchange connections. 禁止移动或交换接头。
- To cause to follow in turns; interchange regularly. 使轮流更替;有规律地替换
- To give or take mutually; interchange. 互换相互都给或拿;交换
- Ice crystals begin to deform measurably. 冰晶就产生某种程度的变形了。
- A substitution, an exchange, or an interchange. 交换代替、交换或互换
- Normally, enormous deformation is abnormal. 通常,巨大的变形是不正常的。
- The act or fact of reciprocating; interchange. 回报;互换报答的行为或事实;交换
- Outside the strip zone, deformation is elastic. 在窄带区以外,变形是弹性的。
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange. 美国信息交换标准代码。
- Plastic deformation under spherical indenter. 球形压头下的塑料变形。
- There was an interchange of prisoners. 进行了战俘交换。
- It will deform into an elongated blob. 它会变形而成为一个拉长了的滴状体。
- There is a continuous two-way interchange. 这是一个持续的双向流动。
- Severe variations deform the discharge curves. 严重者使放电曲线发生畸变。
- Applied stress causes plastic deformation. 外加应力引起塑性形变。
- During deformation, the ferrite grains nuc... 碳含量提高有利于铁素体晶粒细化。