- This Service Pack cannot be integrated into a destination that also has integrated Software Updates. 这个服务包不能整合到目标,目标已经整合了软件更新。
- CHUM and MUHC will be the first sites in Canada to deploy the integrated software. CHUM与MUHC将是加拿大首批应用这项整合软件的站点。
- The integrated software package, PDS2000 allows for seamless use of data files between data aquisition editing and chart production. PDS2000集成软件包可以允许数据采集编辑和海图产品之间的数据无缝使用。
- The antithesis of stand-alone packages,integrated Software a collection of applications based upon a common user interface and sharable data. 的对立面单独封装,集成软件的集合应用基于共同的用户界面和共享数据。
- In it, the concept of Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) was well applied and then a web-based integrated software system was developed. 之后对个案公司进行运筹体系再造,及运筹体系再造后环境下的资讯系统建置进行陈述与分析。
- Set a loophole scanning, intrusion, encryption, decryption, shell shelling and hackers operate in a variety of integrated software. 一款集漏洞扫描、入侵,加密解密,加壳脱壳等多种黑客操作于一体的软件。
- ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is an integrated software system, which introduces advanced management idea to manage all resources efficiently for the enterprise. 企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Planning,简称ERP)是采用先进管理思想对企业所有资源进行有效管理的集成软件系统;
- Dynamic supervise menu is designed on the integrated software flat WINCC V4.02 of Siemens. Functions such as parameter enactment,instruction control; fault annunciation etc. 在西门子WINCC V4.;02组态软件平台上设计开发了动态监测画面;在计算机上监测整个系统的设备运行状况;可进行参数设定、指令控制和故障报警等功能
- Abstract The dynamic component mining method design system is an integrated software package specially designed for the underground mining method design. 动态构件式采矿方法设计系统是专门用于地下矿山采矿方法设计的综合性软件包。
- The antithesis of stand-alone packages, integrated software delivers a collection of applications based upon a common user interface and sharable data. 同独立软件包相比,集成软件提供一组基于公共用户界面和共享数据的应用程序。
- Integrate software components and 3rd party release into SW mainline. 软件组件和第三方软件的集成;
- Embedded systems (physical devices with integrated software systems) involve some unique challenges that differentiate them from desktop systems, despite the fact that they may include typical software interactions. 嵌入系统(物理设备中集成了软件系统)和桌面系统相比,具有独特的困难和问题,尽管它们都包含了典型的软件交互。
- His responsibilities include developing integrated software demonstrations of IBM Pervasive solutions and presenting these demonstrations in a compelling way to potential enterprise customers. 他的职责包括开发IBM Pervasive解决方案的集成软件的示例,并以明显的方式将这些示例介绍给潜在的企业客户。
- To provide reliable and low-cost embedded integrated software and hardware solutions which facilitate the movement, access, and monitoring of data to and from remote sites over IP-based media. 提供可靠的嵌入式软硬件一体化产品和柔性应用解决方案,使数据能通过基于IP的传输媒介在不同地点之间往返自如,可读、可写、可控。
- By teaming up with Ecrio, Aplix will be able to offer integrated software solutions for operators and device manufacturers to realize real-time multimedia-based (e. G. Sound and pictures) communication services easily. 通过与Ecrio合作,Aplix将能为运营商和设备厂商提供集成的软件解决方案,帮助其轻松实现实时多媒体(例如,声音和图片)通信服务。
- This thesis mainly deals with the device drivers design based on ISOS(Integrated Software On Silicon), according to the quick development of xDSL technology, ethernet technology and ADSL2+ Router in recent years. 根据目前国内外的xDSL技术、以太网技术的发展状况,宽带路由器的发展状况,结合科胜讯(Conexant)公司的ISOS(Integrated Software On Silicon)嵌入式操作系统,本文提出了基于ISOS的设备驱动程序设计。
- A collection system optimization, viral clearance, hackers defense, entertainment, which integrates OICQ integrated software. 一款集系统优化,病毒清理,黑客防御,OICQ娱乐于一体的综合软件。
- This will make it easier to implement new business processes without having to create additional layers of integration software. 这将使新的业务流程更容易实现,而不必再创建集成软件的其他层。
- Software is a whole wave of software solutions provider, mainly to tobacco, e-government, ERP and other large industries or fields of expertise in providing integrated software services. 浪潮软件是软件整体解决方案供应商,主要向烟草、电子政务、ERP等大型行业或专业领域提供集成软件服务。
- Established in 1994, Konka Technoglogy Co.,Ltd. is an IT Corporation devoted to software development、system integration、 software and hardware sales. 康克科技公司成立于1994年,是一家致力于软件开发、系统集成、软硬件销售的IT企业。