- instantaneous maximum wind 瞬时最大风
- Incline the wind meter to find the maximum wind speed direction. 运用风速计去发现最大风速及风向。
- The average wind speed 1.3 m / s, the maximum wind speed 22 m / sec. 平均风速1.;3米/秒,最大风速22米/秒。
- The urban district maximum wind speed amounts to each second 34.6 meters, the Rafale amounts to each second 52.5 meters. 市区最大风速达到每秒三十四点六米,阵风达每秒五十二点五米。
- There is a positive correlation between the damage index of disastrous typhoon and the maximum wind speed and total precipitation at Lusi tide gauge station. 成灾台风灾情指数与上海市郊吕泗站最大风速和过程雨量成正相关。
- Instantaneous maximum current of feeding section 供电臂瞬时最大电流
- Instantaneous maximum torque of clutch 离合器瞬时最大转距
- The phenomena of initial disturbance vorticity translating into spiral bands is most evidently for it locating at the periphery of Radius of Maximum Wind(RMW), near RMW next and the spiral bands vanish when it is positioned in the inner core region. 初始圆形扰动涡度场转化为螺旋臂涡量带的现象是初始扰动位于涡旋最大风速半径(RMW)外围最显著,其次是RMW附近,当扰动位于涡旋内核区时几乎没有螺旋臂结构形态出现,表明,初始扰动离TC中心越远,其强迫涡旋Rossby波形成的螺旋带结构越明显,反之越弱。
- In the same sand-dust storm process, the duration of sand-dust storm at different stations is close related to the topographic, geomorphic and geographic factors, and next to the maximum wind. 在同一次沙尘暴天气过程中,不同代表站沙尘暴天气的持续时间与地形、地貌及地理环境的关系最密切,其次是与最大风速的关系;
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- Death is instantaneous in a fatal accident. 在致命的事故中,死亡是即刻发生的。
- dynamic capturing of maximum wind power 最大风能动态追踪
- The reaction of the audience was instantaneous. 观众即刻有了反应。
- On average, about 31 tropical cyclones form over the western North Pacific and the China Seas every year, and about half of them reach typhoon strength with maximum winds of 118kilometres per hour or more. 在北太平洋西部、东海及南海上,每年平均约有31个热带气旋形成,其中半数达到台风强度,最高风速为每小时118公里或以上。
- On average,about 31 tropical cyclones form over the western North Pacific and the China Seas every year,and about half of them reach typhoon strength with maximum winds of 118kilometres per hour or more. 在北太平洋西部、东海及南海上,每年平均约有31个热带气旋形成,其中半数达到台风强度,最高风速为每小时118公里或以上。
- She was like a narcissus trembling in the wind. 她像一株在风中摇动的水仙。
- The maximum load for this lorry is one ton. 这辆卡车最大载重量是一吨。