- VSIO? Virtual Serial Input Output? 虚拟串行输入 / 输出?
- The system includes 8 CCD inputs, uses a cycle access way to switch channel and read the data from the output signal of the CCD, and communicates with PC through a COM port. 整个系统可对8 路CCD 信号分时进行处理,采用轮询的方式切换通道和读取CCD 输出信号,通过串口与上位机进行通信。
- Under default conditions the device activates output switching with either a north or south polarity magnetic field of sufficient strength. 在默认情况下,该器件将使用足够的北极或南极磁场强度,激活输出开关。
- Zip- Overlaps the input output way from the HTTP server receive document procedure code zip, C. 重叠输入输出方式从HTTP服务器接收文件的程序代码。
- Switching channels with CTRL Click will not mark previous channel as read. 用CTRL点击来切换频道不会把上一个频道标为已读。
- We can modify the input output part of the source code to make the tools capable of handling input output buffers rather than files. 我们可以修改源代码的输入输出部分让那些工具能够处理输入输出缓冲区而不是文件。
- The Chinese 6-sector computable nonlinear dynamic input output model and the method for determining its parameters are given in this paper. 给出中国六部门可计算非线性动态投入产出模型的构模原理,以及如何依实际数据设定模型参数的方法。
- The update of the Leontief inverse is very important for the input output(I O)researchers to make full use of I O models. 列昂惕夫逆阵的修订对于充分利用投入产生模型具有十分重要的意义。
- These changes assume that the IODC, input output dependant code, loaded by the processor dependant code PDC have the necessary I/O information to support these new features. 这些更改假设 IODC、输入输出相关代码、处理器加载相关代码都具有支持这些新功能所必需的 I/O 信息。
- It discusses the redundancy strategy on how to realize input ,output,power,CPU in the mode new structure.This helps huge and cadreman hydropower plants to realize the target of no-man on duty. 计算机监控系统是水电厂创国内一流水电厂基础,更是创国际一流水电厂,实现“无人值班,关门运行"的前提条件。
- It discusses the redundancy strategy on how to realize input , output , power , CPU in the mode new structure . This helps huge and cadreman hydropower plants to realize the target of no-man on duty. 计算机监控系统是水电厂创国内一流水电厂基础,更是创国际一流水电厂,实现“无人值班,关门运行"的前提条件。
- multiplex output switching power supply 多路输出开关电源
- multiple output switching function 多输出开关函数
- mutilple output switching function 多输出开关函数
- ADIOS (Automatic Digital Input Output System) 自动数字输入输出系统
- Magnetic Drum Input Output Control System; MDIOCS 磁鼓输入输出控制系统
- NETwork Basic Input Output System NFS 网络基本输入输出系统
- Please switch channels. 请转换频道。
- General purpose input output interface 通用串行通讯接口
- formatted input output statement 格式化输入输出语句