- The inheritance kept them afloat for years. 遗产使他们好多年免于经济困难。
- He entered on his inheritance when he was 21. 他21岁时继承了财产。
- The oldest son will inherit the title. 长子将继承爵位。
- Extravagance has eaten up his inheritance. 他挥霍无度,耗尽了他所继承的财产。
- The will has to be proved before we can inherit. 遗嘱要先认证,然後我们才能继承遗产。
- Her blue eyes were a paternal inheritance. 她的蓝眼睛是她父亲遗传给她的。
- He renounced his claim to the inheritance. 他声明放弃对遗产的要求。
- My major is the subject of chemical engineering. 我的专业是化学工程学。
- He quickly wantoned away his inheritance. 他很快就挥霍尽他所继承的财产。
- He was trained as an engineer/in engineering. 他受过担任工程师的[工程学方面的]培训。
- He received a large inheritance. 他继承了一大笔遗产。
- The title passes by inheritance to the eldest son. 这头衔按世袭传给长子。
- He was cheated (out) of his rightful inheritance. 他依法应得的遗产被人骗走了。
- That bridge was a miracle of engineering. 那座桥是工程学上的一个奇迹。
- She's studying engineering at university. 她正在大学学习工程学。
- It didn't take Albert very long to go through his inheritance. 没有多少时间,阿伯特就花完了他的遗产。
- She works for an engineering company. 她在一家工程技术公司工作
- On the maternal side his inheritance was a happy one. 他从母方接受的遗传是良好的。
- Geopolitical engineering; social engineering. 地理政治操作法; 社会运作法
- On his accession to the throne, he inherit vast estate. 他一登上王位就继承了大宗财产。