- Absence or incomplete development of an organ or body part. 发育不全器官或身体局部的缺少或发育不全
- incomplete development of mind 智力发展
- But in the higher control of mind and development of intellectual and spiritual reciprocation, you are somewhat inferior. 但是更高的心智控制和智力的发展以及灵性互换,你们稍微有些差强人意。
- Incomplete development of membranous labyrinth 膜迷路发育不全
- From the rude catamaran of the savages to the giant liners of today, carrying their thousands from continent to continent, is but a step in the development of Mind. (从原始社会的双体船到现如今的巨大船队,它们把成千上万的东西从一个大陆运送到另一个大陆,那只不过是意识发展中的一小步。
- He tracked out the course and development of it. 他根据遗迹探索出该事物的进程和发展。
- In former times, and in most parts of the world even at the present day, not one man in a million has ever had such a development of mind, as made it possible for him to become a contributor to art or science. 过去,甚至在当今世界的大部分地区,不到百万分之一的人所受到的教育能使其具备为艺术或科学作出贡献的可能性。
- The laval council finance the development of the marina. 开发小船坞的资金是由当地议会提供的。
- Incomplete or arrested development of an organ or a part. 发肓不全一个器官或部分不完全的或受约束的发展
- The book traces the development of philosophy. 该书追溯了哲学的发展过程。
- This has perverted the development of that country. 这使该国的发展走上了邪路。
- Developing Olympian Character is about development of mind and spirit and understanding and inculcating highest principles and values that can lead to a harmonious world. 发扬奥运精神就是要培养高尚的情操,这种高尚的情操正是通向和谐世界的必经之路。
- The formation and development of bodily tissues. 组织发生身体组织的形式的发育
- That was an economy buoyed up by the new development of industry. 那是一种受到工业新发展所支持的经济。
- The development of new machinery has outdated many plants. 新机器之发展于许多的工厂显的落伍。
- The firm pumps money into the development of the new product. 这家企业投入大量资金以开发这种新产品。
- Corruption stands in the way of the development of the society. 贪污腐败妨碍社会的发展。
- The firm pumped money into the development of the new product. 这家企业投入大量资金以开发这种新产品。
- The conception and development of a plan or an idea in the mind. 构思一个计划或主意在心中的构想和发展
- Development of the engine led to cars and trucks. 内燃机的研制导致了轿车和卡车的发展。