- The building of the factory was in progress. 工厂正在建造中。
- A grand reception is in progress. 大型招待会正在进行。
- Please be quiet recording in progress. 正在录音--请勿喧哗。
- As the football match was in progress, we kept cheering on both teams. 足球赛进行时,我们不断地喊叫,为双方加油。
- Could this verb be used in progressive form? 这个动词可以用进行式吗?
- Preparations for the meeting are in progress. 会议的准备工作正在进行。
- Repairs to many of the houses were in progress. 许多房屋的修缮工作正在进行。
- That project was slow in progress. 那项工程进展缓慢。
- A system shutdown is in progress. 系统正在关机。
- The road construction work is in progress. 筑路工程正在进行中。
- The building of the largest bridge across the river in Adia is in progress. 这座亚洲最大的一座跨江大桥正在建设中。
- The building of the house is in progress. 房子在建造中。
- Work on the new offices is now in progress. 新办公楼正在建设中。
- Please be quiet-examination in progress. 正在考试,请安静。
- Discontent is the first step in progress . 不自满为进步之始。
- When we arrived,the match was in progress. 我们到达时,比赛正在进行。
- Persist in progress and oppose retrogression ! 坚持进步, 反对倒退!
- The building of the house is in progress . 房子在建造中。
- The building of the bridge is in progress. 桥正在建设中。
- To cancel a search in progress, choose Stop. 若要取消正在进行的搜索,请选择“停止”。