- His large income enabled him to live in comfort. 他那丰厚的收入使他可以过舒服的生活。
- Our caravan sleeps six in comfort. 我们居住的拖车可舒舒服服地睡六个人。
- Her father pays for her board but she keeps herself in comfort. 她父亲负担她的吃住,而她自己则过舒适的日子。
- The old man is living in comfort. 老人过着舒适的生活。
- He indulged in comfort and pleasure all day long. 他终日耽于逸乐。
- I'm sure you'll want them to live in comfort. 我相信你是愿意让他们生活得安逸的。
- He sat back in comfort and thought of Mary. 他舒适地靠坐在位子上,思念着玛丽。
- You earning enough to maintain a family in comfort? 你挣的钱足以维持一家人过舒适的生活吗?
- He has enough money so that he can live in comfort. 他有很多钱, 足可舒舒服服过日子。
- These people just sought to live in comfort. 这些人只想过舒适的生活。
- They love nice things and like to live in comfort. 他们喜欢美好的东西,喜欢过舒适的生活。
- Mr.Stevenson settled on his wife enough to keep her in comfort. 史蒂文森先生给他的妻子留下的钱足可以使她过上舒服日子。
- Those who were born in comfort could not endure such hardship. 娇生惯养的人吃不了这份苦。
- One's children should keep one in comfort in one's old age. 儿女们应当使自己的父母安度晚年。
- Her father pays for her,but she keeps herself in comfort. 她父亲负担她的吃住,而她自己则过舒适的日子。
- I like to travel in comfort,so I always go first class on the ship. 我喜欢舒服地旅行,所以我总是乘轮船的头等舱。
- The newly hewn steps were too narrow to tread in comfort. 新砌的石级窄窄的,搁不下整脚。
- He had saved enough money so that he could live in comfort. 他攒了不少钱,足以舒舒服服地过日子。
- They had enough money to live in comfort in their old age. 他们有足够的钱舒舒服服地安度晚年。
- I can reach it with the gaff and eat it here in comfort. 我可以用鱼钩去把它钩过来,坐在这儿舒舒服服地吃掉它。