- Ice Block will no longer freeze players mid air. 寒冰屏障不再能把玩家冻结在空中。
- The restrictor solved the"ice block"problem by heating the valve's body. 该限流器通过给阀体控温加热,彻底解决了超,临界萃取中的冰堵问题。
- Ice Block (Frost) is now available on the trainer to all mages at level 30. “寒冰屏障”(冰霜天赋)现在能在30级以后在训练师处学习。
- With the prep nerf, cold snap gives him a second elemental and a second ice block and2 more novas, it is quite nasty. )手,要合理运用好预备,当然法师也能急冷召唤第2个水元素,开2个冰棺,这很让人讨厌。
- They have no Frost Nova or Blink, no Cone of Cold, no Ice Block, no travel form, no Nature's Grasp, etc. 他们也没有冰霜新星,没有闪现,没有冰锥,没有冰箱,没有旅行形态,没有缠绕等等。
- Reduces the cooldown on Presence of Mind by - 24 sec, on Blast Wave by - 4 sec., And on Ice Block by - 40 sec. 减少气定神闲冷却时间24秒,冲击波冷却时间4秒,寒冰屏障冷却时间40秒。
- The innovative SDI-5 uses dry ice block, pellets, or nuggets to create a versatile blast cleaning medium. 创新的SDI-5使用干冰块、颗粒或固体小块作为通用的喷射清洁介质。
- Generates ahuge ice block that acts as a shield.May also be used to trap enemies before dissipating. 这个武器叫做冰霜塔击,是打败海象后得到了。可以作为盾牌使用的冰块,也可以阻挡敌人用。
- With the prep nerf, cold snap gives him a second elemental and a second ice block and2 more novas, it is quite nasty . 手,要合理运用好预备,当然法师也能急冷召唤第2个水元素,开2个冰棺,这很让人讨厌。
- "Ice Block": This ability no longer makes mages immune to "Weakened Soul" from "Power Word: Shield". “寒冰障壁”:该技能将不能使法师免疫牧师的“真言术:盾”带来的“灵魂虚弱”效果。
- However, using this ability now causes "Hypothermia", making the mage unable to cast "Ice Block" again for 30 sec. 而且,使用该技能现在会有“体温过低”效果,该效果使法师无法在接下来的30秒内再次使用“寒冰障壁”。
- Nothing can remove the marks, including Ice Block, Divine Shield, Divine Intervention, or Flask of Petrification. 没有技能可以消除标记;包括冰箱;圣盾;神圣干涉;和石化药剂.
- Glyph of Ice Block: Your Frost Nova cooldown is now reset every time you use Ice Block. 你每次使用寒冰屏障时重置霜之新星冷却。
- With the sailors' help, he kicked away the snow and ice blocking the door. 在水手的帮助下,他清除了堵门的冰雪。
- If a character with immunity (ice block, divine protection) resists a mass dispel, the immunity effect is still removed. 即使玩家抵抗了群体驱散,冰箱和骑士的无敌效果仍然会被移除。
- The ice blocks up the river, making the upstream water unable to flow. 冰把河道堵住了, 上游的水流不下来。
- Don't mass dispel the Ice Blocks unless he's excruciatingly low and will die. 别轻易大驱散冰箱,除非法师血量已经极低马上就要死。
- You need to be fast on part 1, shoot the ice block with any power (it is quicker to use less power) before the character explodes the time bomb. 你需要快速的第1部分,拍摄冰块与任何权力(这是更快地使用低功耗)的性质之前,爆炸的定时炸弹。
- For the ice block samples, the 300mm/min of breaking through velocity can be reached only with ca. 5W/cm 2 of the low or high frequency ultrasound. 对冰块样品的实验表明,利用5W/cm2声强的超声可以达到300mm/min的破穿速度。
- Left photo is of the fibreglass and cloth and 4 inch PVC reinforced ice block housing the coil with inter-turn insulation above. 左图是该玻璃纤维及布和4英寸聚氯乙烯钢筋冰块房屋线圈间的绝缘以上。