- hign frequency seismic survey 高频地震法
- This earthquake measured 7 according to the seismic survey. 经测定,这次地震的烈度为七级。
- The results show that the LRB has an entirely different effect to the seismic response of cable-stayed bridge under different frequency seismic waves. 结果表明,对于不同频率的地震波,铅芯橡胶支座会对斜拉桥的地震响应产生截然不同的效果。
- Firstly, the locations of shot holes have to be chosen properly in the seismic survey area. 首先,在进行地震法测量的地区正确地选定爆破井的位置。
- Velocity is the most important parameter in seismic survey, and VSP is a direct and valid way in acquiring it. 地震波速度是地震勘探中最重要的一个参数,而VSP测量是一种比较直接且行之有效的获取地震波速度的方法。
- In the paper, we have introduced the acquisition and processing method of threecomponent seismic survey. 着重介绍了三分量地震勘探的采集原理和处理方法。
- Used abroad:Used in ,computer wire ,data wire ,hign frequence wire hseat extrusion. 用途广:适用于电源线,计算机线,数据线,高频线外被护套押出
- Main task of threecomponent seismic survey is to test gas distribution in Songliao Baisin, and predict lithologic reservoir. 松辽盆地北部三分量地震勘探的主要任务是检测天然气的分布范围,预测岩性油气藏。
- Seismic surveying is largely concerned with the primary P waves. 地震勘探主要研究一次纵波。
- The results fromcomparison show that these anomalies spread over a DZ nose delineated by seismic survey,which has been confirmed to be a gas-bearing structure by drilling. 对比结果表明:这些异常分布在地震勘探圈定出的DZ鼻状隆起上,后者被钻探结果证实为含天然气的构造,有力地说明放射性方法探测天然气藏的有效性。
- For the complicated surface environment of neritic zone, seismic survey in this area exists its unique problems because of two entirely different operation methods. 摘要滩浅海地区地表条件复杂,陆地和海上施工方法不同,采集的资料存在着较大的差异,影响了最终成果。
- It implies that the reflection seismic survey is a available strategy investigating the structure in the Sulu ultra-high pressure metamorphosed terrace. 它意味着在非沉积层的结晶岩区,反射地震勘测手段是研究地下复杂结构的有效方法。
- The great difficulties in threecomponent seismic survey are depressing random noise in acquisition, removing the artificial vertical faults in shear wave section. 三分量地震勘探的最大难点是采集上压制随机干扰,处理上去除转换波剖面上同相轴的人为的直立错断(由于通常处理软件不佳引起)。
- Shallow\|layer seismic survey using controlled vibrator is greatly disturbed by environment noise, so high resolution is needed in seismic data pretreatment. 可控震源浅层地震勘探受环境噪声干扰很大,对其接收信号进行预处理时要求分辨率很高。
- high frequency seismic prospecting 高频地震
- Separate frequency seismic attribute 分频地震属性
- different frequency seismic wave 不同频率地震波
- Magnetic and gravity surveys were often run as a preliminary to seismic survey in earlier time. 磁力和应力勘探常常作为地震勘探的前奏在早些时候进行。
- The cross-well seismic survey has no disturbance from low velocity belt,with high S/N and high sampling rate.A single sandbody,rhythmic layer and interbed can be differentiated with it. 井间地震无低速带干扰,具有高信噪比、高采样率等特点,能够识别单砂体、韵律层和层内夹层,在沉积微相划分、微构造研究、低序级断层识别、储层精细描述等方面具有明显的优势。
- Seismic surveys gave a geologic picture quite different from that indicated by the telluric current. 地震勘探提供的地质图件与大地电流的结果完全不相同。