- hemicryptophyte thallosa 叶状体地面芽植物
- The life forms of most of the plants belong to the hemicryptophyte which forms 40%, the geophyte 29%, and the hemicryptophyte-geophyte 15%. 生活型结果以地面芽植物最多占40%25,地下芽植物次之占29%25,地面-地下芽植物占15%25;
- According to Raunkiaer's statistics of life-form, the life-for m phaenerophyte of this community numbers first, and the hemicryptophyte second. 群落的生活型高位芽植物最多,地面芽植物次之。
- The life forms of most plants belong to hemicryptophyte which are 42% then geophyte are 26% and hemicrypto-geophyte are 9%. 生活型结构以地面芽植物最多,占42%25,地下芽植物次之,占26%25,地面-地下芽植物占9%25;
- The cosmopolitan families and hemicryptophyte occupied the highest percentage of the herbs, in which,the evergreen species occupied 84. 6 %. 草本植物39种,以世界分布科和地面芽植物为主,常绿种类占84.6%25,未见亚洲和北美洲间断分布属的地理成分。
- Results indicate that phanerophyte is the dominant synusia in the shrub layer and hemicryptophyte in the herbage layer, and Selaginella is the only species on the forest floor. 研究结果表明:高位芽植物是灌木层中的优势层片;地面芽植物是草本植物的优势层片;
- The life forms are according to Raunkier's classification : phaenerophyte (39.6%),chamaephyte(10.0%), hemicryptophyte(31.4%),geophyte(12.0%)and therophyte(7.0%). 且有一定的古老和特有成分。植被的生活型谱为高位芽植物占39.6%25,地面芽植物占31.4%25,地上芽植物占10%25,地下芽植物占12%25,一年生植物占7%25。
- Among the life form plants ,the hemicryptophyte amounts to 43% of the total, the geophyte and the therophyte each makes up 15%, and the hemicrypto-geophyte takes up 12%. 地下芽植物和一年生植物次之,各占15%25;地面-地下芽植物占12%25。
- hemicryptophyte A perennial plant, usually nonwoody, with its over-wintering buds at or just below soil level. 半隐芽植物:是一种多年生植物,通常非木质化。
- Phaeoplaca thallosa n. 叶状褐盘藻
- hemicryptophyte caespitosa 生草丛地面芽植物
- hemicryptophyte radicanta 有根地面芽植物
- hemicryptophyte rosulata 莲座地面芽植物
- hemicryptophyte scandentia 攀缘地面芽植物
- hemicryptophyte scaposa 抽葶地面芽植物
- hemicryptophyte 半隐芽植物