- It is one of important missions to adopt some steps to prevent the collusion for the good and healthy management of an organization. 采取有效措施防止共谋,是当前组织管理及组织健康、良性发展所面临的重要任务之一。
- Packed full of herbal actives of Tamanu, Chickweed, Burdock, Neem &Evening primrose, this conditioner calms and effectively removed dandruff to leave shiny, healthy manageable hair. 含琼堐海棠、蘩缕、牛蒡根、印度楝和月见草。有效地舒缓和去除头屑,使头发恢复光采,健康及易于打理。
- Economically, the country is in a very healthy state. 从经济学的观点来说,国家处于很兴旺的状态之中。
- His inmost thoughts are not healthy. 他心灵深处的思想是不健康的。
- Cancer ate away his healthy flesh. 癌症侵害了他健康的肌体。
- The new arrival was a large healthy baby. 新生的婴儿又大又健康。
- Her face glowed with a healthy red sheen. 她的脸上闪着健康的红光。
- The firm is going to pot under the new management. 公司在新人管理下就要垮台了。
- The child showed a healthy curiosity. 那孩子有好奇心,这是好现象。
- The management wants screwing up. 管理部门需要提高工作效率。
- I am studying personnel management. 我正攻读人事学。
- They have very healthy children. 他们的孩子都很健康。
- It is not healthy for a young guy to stay coop up inside. 年轻小伙子关在房间内是无益于健康的。
- She has a healthy respect for her rival's talents. 她有雅量,能钦佩对手的才能。
- The convoy commodore sees to the internal management of the convoy. 舰队司令官负责管理舰队的内部问题。
- I'm not ill. On the contrary, I'm very healthy. 我没有生病。正相反,我很健康。
- There is an inert management team in our company. 我们公司的管理阶层死气沉沉。
- Children need a happy home environment for their healthy growth. 孩子们需要幸福的家庭环境才能健康地成长。
- Talks between management and unions have collapsed. 资方和工会的谈判失败了。
- Jogging is a healthy form of exercise. 慢跑是有益健康的锻炼方式。