- gross output in agriculture 农业总产出
- Overall,the printing and publishing industries contributed 13 per cent of the manufacturing sector's gross output in 2000. 整体来说,印刷出版业占二零零零年本港制造业生产总额的13%25。
- Overall, the printing and publishing industries contributed 13 per cent of the manufacturing sector's gross output in 2000. 整体来说,印刷出版业占二零零零年本港制造业生产总额的13%25。
- Nitrates are used as fertilizers in agriculture. 硝酸盐在农业上用作肥料。
- It also means that the strategic goal of quadrupling the gross output value of industry and agriculture could be realised. 中国开始摆脱贫困状况,进入中等偏下收入的发展中国家行列。”
- You can view the trace output in the trace viewer. 可以在跟踪查看器中查看跟踪输出。
- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture B.V.S. 哲学士农业科学学士。
- You can write tags to the output in two ways. 可通过两种方法将标记写入到输出中。
- There have been good harvests in agriculture. 农业产量很好。
- Figure 14: Unedited Auto Target output in I3D. 图14 :未修改自动目标产量在I3D 。
- Weather plays a significant part in agriculture. 气候在农业中起着重要的作用。
- The data is output in BCD code and at TTL level. 数据可按BCD码,TTL电平输出。
- Appllcation of fly asb in agriculture. 粉煤灰资源的农业利用
- The gross output less the power consumed by the associated auxiliaries. 机组的总输出功率减去有关辅助设备的消耗。
- We have win tremendous success in agriculture. 在农业方面我们取得巨大成功。
- We have won tremendous successes in agriculture. 在农业方面我们取得了巨大成功。
- Our weak link lies mainly in agriculture. 现在我们的弱点基本在农业。
- Paraquat is used as a herbicide in agriculture. 摘要巴拉刈在农业上作为除草剂的用途。
- Gross annual industrial and agricultural output in the city of Suzhou has approached US$800 per capita. 现在,苏州市工农业总产值人均接近八百美元。
- Problems also exist in agriculture. 农业也存在着一些问题。