- grooved iron roll 有槽铸铁轧辊
- Large area of spalling accured on the work layer of high-Crcentrifugal cast iron roll after heat treatment. 高铬离心复合铸铁轧辊辊身工作层在热处理后发生大面积剥落。
- The improved-type bainite ductile cast iron roll was developed by centrifugal casting and low temperature tempering technology and adjustment alloy composition. 采用离心铸造+低温回火工艺并通过合金成分调整和工艺控制,生产出"改进型"贝氏体球铁轧辊。
- The influences of quenching temperature, cooling pattern and temper temperature on the structures and properties of high Cr cast iron roll have been investigated. 研究了淬火温度、淬火冷却方式和回火温度对高铬铸铁轧辊组织和性能的影响。
- The application of high Ni-Cr infinite cold hardness cast iron roll toanterior stands of finishing mill after revamp is introduced in 1 549 hot strip mill of TISCO. 介绍了太钢1549热连轧改造后高镍铬无限冷硬铸铁轧辊在精轧前段的使用情况,特别是在不锈钢生产中取得了成功应用。
- In this paper the development process and the manuf8cture technology of centrifugally cast compound cast iron roll are introduced. Its further research direction are presented. 介绍了离心铸造轧辊的发展过程和制造工艺,并提出该轧辊的主要研究方向。
- The present paper briefly introduces the technical properties and unusual failure of the high chromium centrifugal composite cast iron roll and analyzes causes to the unusual failure and puts forward the preventative measures to check this failure. 简单介绍高铬离心复合铸铁轧辊的技术特性和失效形式,并分析非正常失效的原因,同时针对非正常失效提出预防措施。
- Alloy indefinite chilled rolls is a cast iron roll with fine intercrystalline graphite evenly distributed throughout the working layer of rollbarrel. 合金无限冷硬铸铁轧辊,其工作层中有细晶间石墨。
- The article accounts for the application of the ironning roll and it's design method for high speed roil mill. 本文介绍了熨平辊在高速铝箔轧机上的应用及其设计方法。
- To solve this problem,we modified the structure of ironing roll and gained satisfactory results. 铝箔轧机出口侧装有熨平辊,它在工作时压在卷取机夹持的套筒上。
- Dechang textile machines adopt Accotex back rubber ware and premium iron rolling core. 德昌纺机采用优质后胶辊和优质的皮辊铁芯。
- It has been proved that high Cr cast iron rolls are fit for fin ishing mill of 1549 hot strip mill of Tisco. 介绍了高铬轧辊化学成分和生产工艺,实际使用证明高铬轧辊适合太钢1549热连轧精轧机组。
- Sealed Cooler is energy-saving effectively; with high hardness alloy cast iron rolls for the sheeter. 封闭式冷却机高效节能,高硬度合金铸铁轧辊,经久耐用。
- Jet-air iron roll rice whitening machine 铁辊喷风碾米机
- Alloy chilled cast iron rolls are one kind of cast iron rolls, which contain almost no free graphite in the matrix of working layer of the barrel. 合金冷硬铸铁轧辊辊身工作层基体组织内基本上没有游离石墨,其硬度高,具有优良的耐磨性能。
- He was grooved in running errands for his neighbors. 他已习惯於为邻居跑腿。
- Research and Application of High Cr Cast Iron Roll 高铬铸铁轧辊的研究和应用
- The sink shelf is grooved so that the water will run off. 洗涤池上开槽是为了让水流走。
- nickel magnesium chilled iron roll 冷硬镍镁铸铁轧辊
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。