- grooved bourrelet 带槽定心部
- He was grooved in running errands for his neighbors. 他已习惯於为邻居跑腿。
- The sink shelf is grooved so that the water will run off. 洗涤池上开槽是为了让水流走。
- A grooved timber in which something slides. 滑缝,滑槽带有沟槽的木块,可以使东西滑过
- Kits include: Cover, Grooved Coupler &Gasket. 组件包括:阀盖,沟槽联结器和垫圈。
- The grey bark of the tree was deeply grooved. 树上的灰树皮充满了深深的沟槽。
- The carpenter grooved the board. 木匠在木板上开槽。
- The raised portion of a grooved surface,as on a phonograph record. 槽脊平滑表面凸起的部分,如留声机唱片上的槽脊。
- Everything was slack, grooved, comfortable, and faintly civilian. 一切都松松垮垮,墨守成规,得过且过,隐隐有些老百姓办事的味道。
- The raised portion of a grooved surface, as on a phonograph record. 槽脊:平滑表面凸起的部分,如留声机唱片上的槽脊。
- The sink shelf is grooved so that the water will run off . 洗涤池上开槽是为了让水流走。
- Poisonous snakes have hollow or grooved fangs for injecting venom. 毒蛇有中空或成凹槽的尖牙以射毒液。
- It is a wheel with a grooved rim and can rotate freely. 它是一个带有凹边的齿轮而且能自由地转动。
- The surface of grooved plate is treated with i on nitrogenation. 用该强磁选机首次实现了用“湿磁-浮选-干磁”流程选别硅线石矿新工艺。
- Branchlets grayish white when dry, compressed, shallowly grooved. 干燥时小枝浅灰色白色,压缩,浅开槽。
- The general differenteal equations of unsymmetrecal progectile lateral motion torching the bore wall with the bourrelet have been developed in this paper. 本文建立了非对称弹丸前定心部紧贴炮膛壁一般运动的横向运动微分方程;
- The article applied this kind of method to force locked cam and grooved cam. 文章将这种方法应用于力锁合凸轮和槽道凸轮。
- Trees, to 10 m tall, d.b.h. to 30 cm.Branchlets gray when dry, terete, grooved. 乔木,给高的10米,直径在灰色的30厘米小枝干燥时,圆柱状,具凹槽。
- The cquations can be used for the study of any states of projectile trav-eling in the bore, such as the bourrelet always contact or uncontact or impact with the bore, and for thestudy of projectile initeul disturbance. 该方程组可用于对弹丸的任何膛内运动状态(定心部不与膛壁接触、与膛壁碰撞、贴膛)的运动进行求解;进而可计算弹丸的起始扰动.
- The equations can be used for the study of any case of a projectile traveling in the bore, such as the cases when bourrelet is always in contact, not in contact, or impinging with the bore. 该方程组可用于研究弹丸在挠性渐速膛线身管内的任何运动(定心部不与膛壁接触、弹膛碰撞、贴膛)。