- It also describes a generic solution and procedure of using OPNET simulator to curry out MANET simulation. 阐述了利用OPNET仿真平台进行MANET仿真的一般方法和过程
- The general solution of a kind second order equation is given. 摘要给出一类二阶变系数线性微分方程的通解。
- The only general solution is linear or integer programming. 唯一通行的解决方法是线性规划或者整数规划。
- Many more requirements are listed in the book, however, the rest of them are either handled automatically by Functional Tester or are not required for a generic solution. 书中列出许多更多的需求,然而,剩下的要么是由Functional Tester自动处理的,要么对一般解决方案不是必要的。
- There's unfortunately no general solution in either SAM or command-line LVM. 不幸的是无论在 SAM 还是命令行 LVM 中都没有一个常规的解决方法。
- Tends to complex, premature and generic solutions when the system is still in infancy and nothing is clear. 当系统仍处于起始阶段,都还不明晰的时候,常会做出复杂的,不成熟仅仅通用的决策。
- The general solution of the given equation is consequently the collection of the function that satisfies the equation. 因此,给定方程的通解为满足这个方程函数的集合。
- If the weak solution can be proved to be unique, it is called the generalized solution. 若能证明弱解是唯一的,则称之为广义解。
- The steps are specific to the particular add-in, and there is no simple generalized solution. 特殊的加载项有特定的步骤,并没有简单的通用解决方案。
- The integral constants in general solution can be determined by boundary conditions. 一般解中的积分常数可由边界条件来决定。
- By combining these results, we can get the general solution for the generalized Motz problem. 结合这些计算结果,我们可得到此广义莫兹问题的通解。
- In this paper.a general solution of the coulomb damping vibration is given and a basic relationship. 本文给出库仑阻尼振动的一般解,并得出表示库仑阻尼器衰减效果的基本关系式。
- A great many special cases can be solved, but Turing showed that a general solution is impossible. 如果是特殊情况,许多这样的问题是可解的,但涂林证明了不可能有一般解。
- From Generic Solution to Specific Solution of TRIZ 由TRIZ理论的通用解求问题的特殊解
- The general solution for versioning a Web service is to create an entirely new Web service with new namespaces in new files. Web服务版本控制的通常方法是在新文件及新命名空间中创建全新的Web服务。
- On General Solutions of the Iterated Functional Equation ?f 2(x)=af(x)+bx? 关于迭代函数方程f~2(x)=af(x)+bx的通解
- The general solution of (5. 122) is an arbitrary linear combination of a series of even powers and a series of odd powers. (5.;122)的通解是一个偶次幂级数和一个奇次幂级数的任意线性组合。
- It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。
- The general solution of the simple harmonic equation (3. 1) can therefore be expressed in the following alternative forms. 因此简谐运动方程(3.;1)的通解可用下列任一的形式表示。
- The Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a general solution to utilization, storage, exchange and tracking of digital contents and their rights. 数字版权管理技术从数字内容及其权限的使用、存储、交换、追踪等方面给出了全面的解决方案。