- fumarate aminase 延胡索酸氨化酶
- Tiamulin Fumarate Soluble Granules 45%(Tiamutin? 延胡索酸泰妙菌素可溶性颗粒45%25(枝原净?
- Fumaric aminase 延胡索酸胺酶
- Objective To study the security of Ibutilide fumarate Injection. 目的评价富马酸伊布利特注射液的安全性。
- Objective To improve the prescription of Clemastine Fumarate Tablets. 目的改进富马酸氯马斯汀片剂的工艺处方。
- Recent methods of dimethyl fumarate synthesis are reviewed in this article. 本文对近年来富马酸二甲酯的合成方法进行了评述。
- The fumarate ion participates in several important metabolic pathways, e.g. the Krebs cycle, purine pathways, and the urea cycle. 延胡索酸分别参与多种重要的代谢途径,如卡尔文循环、嘌呤途径和尿素循环。
- In this test,Dimethyl fumarate, Metyl topsin and Sodium dehydrogene acetate were used in the antiseptic treatment during the storage. 本项研究中还试用了富马酸二甲酯、甲基脱布津、脱氢醋酸钠三种防腐剂对抑制葛根采后霉变进行了初步研究。
- As a result, the yield of mono-butyl fumarate(MBF), and the yield of mono-cyclohexyl fumarate (MCHF) is about 88.4%. 富马酸单丁酯(MBF)产率为89.;6%25,富马酸单环己酯(MCHF)产率为83
- Properties of dimethyl fumarate were briefly introduced which included physical propreties and action mechanisms. 简要介绍了富马酸二甲酯的性质,包括物理性质、作用机理。
- A series of rare earth solid superacid were prepared and used for synthesizing dimethyl fumarate(DMF). 制备了一系列稀土固体超强酸用于合成富马酸二甲酯。
- Objective:To study preparation and quality control of ibutilide fumarate for injection. 目的:制备注射用富马酸伊布利特并建立其质量控制方法。
- Objective: To prepare bisoprolol fumarate tablets and to assay the content uniformity and dissolution of tablets. 摘要目的:制备富马酸比索洛尔片,并测定其含量均匀度和溶出度。
- Method:The ketotifen fumarate in situ forming eye was prepared with carbopol as base,it was determined by UV. 方法:以卡波姆为基质制备凝胶,采用紫外分光度法测定含量。
- The growth rate of maleic anhydrite and fumarate from 2001 to 2003 are respectively 20. 2003年我国顺酐、富马酸生产能力增长速度分别为20。
- Tiamulin Fumarate Premix 10%、8;Tiamulin Injection 10%; Tiamulin Fumarate Soluble Granules 45%(Tiamutin? 延胡索酸泰妙菌素预混剂10%25、80%25;泰妙菌素注射液10%25;延胡索酸泰妙菌素可溶性颗粒45%25(枝原净?)
- The new synthesis processes of dimethyl fumarate by fumarate, maleic anhydrid and furfural are studied, and the catalysts of reaction are discussed. 综述了由富马酸、马来酸酐及糠醛合成富马酸二甲酯的合成新工艺及所用催化剂的研究进展。
- Dimethyl fumarate is a new anti-mildew and antiseptic agent with the best inhibiting effect on aflatoxin in food and feed. 富马酸二甲酯是当前对黄曲霉菌抑制作用最佳的新型食品和饲料防霉、防腐剂。
- Dimethyl fumarate is a new anti mildew and antiseptic agent with the best inhibiting effect on aflatoxin in food and feed. 富马酸二甲酯是当前对黄曲霉菌抑制作用最佳的新型食品和饲料防霉、防腐剂。
- Maleic anhydride was esterificated with methanol,then isomerized with aluminum trichloride to obtain monomethy fumarate(MMF). 以马来酸酐和甲醇为原料,经酯化及异构化得到富马酸单甲酯,再经酰氯化得到富马酸单甲酯单酰氯。