- free air gravity free oscillations n. 自由空间(空气)自由(激)振盈
- The pitot-static tube can be used only in free air. 皮托管仅能用在自由流中。
- Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources. The Bouguer Gravity Anomaly Map of China. 地质矿产部。中国布格重力异常图。
- The pitot-static tube can be used only in free air . 皮托管仅能用在自由流中。
- Using the finite element method for computation of the regional gravity anomaly only need a few data on the boundary. 有限元插值法利用区域边界上的少量数据可计算区域重力异常。
- In dealing with the gravity data of some basin,obtain the residual gravity anomaly applying finite element method. 在某盆地的重力资料处理中;用有限元插值法分离出该区的局部重力异常.
- It is often impossible to differentiate between structure and density contrast in determining the source of a gravity anomaly. 在确定重力异常源时,不可能在构造与密度差之间作出抉择。
- The Bouguer gravity anomaly in Tibetan Plateau is decomposed by wavelet transform and low-pass filter respectively,and applied to the inversion of Moho. 分别采用小波变换和低通滤波对青藏高原地区布格重力异常进行了位场分解和莫霍面反演,并将反演结果与地震资料作比较。
- It is popular to identify the fault and inverse the parameters of the fault with Bouguer gravity anomaly in gravity exploration. 在重力勘探中,一般都要利用布格重力异常来识别断层和反演断层的参数。
- This paper aims to preliminarily discuss the gravity anomaly and the crustal structures from Okinawa Trongh to Mariana Trench (Fig. 1). 本文旨在对冲绳海槽至马里亚纳海沟的重力异常和地壳结构进行初步的研究。
- The Bouguer gravity anomaly in Yinshan-Daqingshan Mountains and Hu-Bao Basin is in "synchronous" agreement with the altitude of the terrain. 根据内蒙古阴山山系及邻近地区的布格重力异常分布特征,发现阴山、大青山山地和呼包盆地地区的布格重力异常分布与地形高程呈“同步型”的特异变化特征。
- In order to interpret the reason of gravity anomaly G8 in Hongqiling orefield, the authors used the choice method which is an inversed method for inversing gravity exploration. 摘要为评价引起红旗岭矿区G8重力异常的原因,采用解重力勘探反演问题的选择法对其进行重新解释评价。
- Lee, T. S., 1949: The topographic reflection of subsurface structures as show by the gravity anomaly in the western plain of Taiwan. Chinese Geophys. Soc. Jour., 1, 205-212. 石再添、张瑞津、杨贵三、许民阳(1985)草屯与车笼埔河阶群的活动层与地形面,中国地理学会会刊,第13期,第1-12页。
- For many years, no matter how the level of gravity explorationmay be, the middle layer and terrain corrections must be done in Bouguer gravity anomaly computation. 多年来,不论重力勘探程度如何,在布格重力异常计算中都必须经过地形改正和中间层改正。
- Isostatic gravity anomaly shows the character of middle - short wavelength, reflects unbalance of crust and upper mantle and dynamical character of substance adjusting. 均衡重力异常显示出中短波长特性,反映的是地壳上地幔物质分布的失衡和物质调整的动力学特征。
- The 1:1000000 regional gravimetric survey deals mainly with physical property and gravity anomaly in the Kangxiwar-Shiquanhe zone on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. 摘要提供岩石磁性参数统计表、各地层岩石密度统计表和布格重力异常图,并做初步分析。
- In order to interpret the reason of gravity anomaly G8 in Hongqiling orefield,the authors used the choice method which is an inversed method for inversing gravity exploration. 为评价引起红旗岭矿区G8重力异常的原因,采用解重力勘探反演问题的选择法对其进行重新解释评价。
- After the external correction, the Bouguer gravity anomaly shape may sornetimes change with the elevation, confusing the true anomaly with the false anomaly. 重力测量结果经过外部校正之后,有时布格异常形态会随着高程变化以致形成所谓“山形异常”,使真、假异常混淆。
- Seven large areas (zones) of magmatic activities were detected on the basis of rock density characteristics and Bouguer gravity anomaly data of eastern Inner Mongolia. 摘要依据岩石密度特征,应用布格重力异常资料,在内蒙古东部地区推断7个大型岩浆岩活动区(带)。
- "My journey, and the sight of the holy Apostle yonder, and the free air which I have breathed have done me good, after so long confinement in my study. “我这次旅行,同那位圣洁的使徒的会面,以及我所呼吸到的自由空气,对我大有好处,原先我闷在书斋里的时间太长了。