- fortify border area 屯垦戍边
- The mountains in the border area are as beautiful as a painting. 边陲山区的风光美丽如画。
- Goes to the countryside! Goes to the border area! 到农村去!到边疆去!
- He was banished to the border area. 他被发配边疆充军。
- The Szechuan-Shensi border area has had a good harvest. 川陕边区的农业收成良好。
- Enemy troops raided our border areas. 敌军对我边境地区进行袭击。
- The Szechuan -Shensi border area has had a good harvest. 川陕边区的农业收成良好。
- All the bandits that invaded the border area have been wiped out. 侵犯边境的匪徒已全部被歼。
- Our work in the Hunan-Kiangsi border area began in October last year. 湘赣边界的工作,从去年十月做起。
- Drug traffickers refuged in these border areas. 毒品贩子在这些边界地区躲避。
- In 1938, a Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border area Hebei District in the second. 1938年属晋察冀边区冀中区第二区。
- These soldiers defend the border area of China's North all year round. 他们是常年驻守北疆国门的战士。
- The military has formulated evacuates the border area common people's plan. 军方已制定撤离边境地区平民的计划。
- Her shows in border areas and the hinterland had a big influence. 她在边疆和内地演出颇具影响。
- A harbour of refuge Drug traffickers refuged in these border areas. 毒品贩子在这些边界地区躲避。
- Such work was first undertaken in the Fukien-Chekiang-Kiangsi border area and was started in the Central Area in the spring of 1933. 这一工作,闽浙赣边区方面实行得较早,中央区则开始于一九三三年的春季。
- Commodities are transported to border areas by truck. 卡车把货物输往边疆地区。
- The Party in the border area must strive to perform these three tasks effectively. 把这三件事切实做好,是边界党应该努力的。
- The organization has now been extended to other counties in the border area and the name remains unchanged. 这个制度现已推行于边界各县,名称未改。
- Above the county committees there is the Special Committee of the Hunan-Kiangsi Border Area. 各县县委之上为湘赣边界特委。