- The final cost should not exceed $5,000. 最后的开支不应超过5,000美元。
- IV. To establish a plan for the year, report, estimated cost and final cost. 四、议决年度工作计画、报告及预算、决算。
- His negative attitude finally cost him his job. 他消极的态度最终使他丢了工作。
- There is no deadline for finishing the cleanup and restoration work, but Zhu estimates that the final cost will reach about $2.5 billion. 清洁和重建工作没有截止日期,但朱预计最终成本将达到大约25亿美元。
- You discuss payments with foreign business clients. Learn different means of payment and negotiate the final cost and payment schedule. 你与国外用户讨论付款。学习各种不同的付款方式,讨论最终费用以及付款期限等。
- However, it has been found that there is a relationship between the low bid and final cost that occurs in a repeatable manner. 但是,低出价和最终成本之间以反复性的方式存在着一种关系。
- The value of commodity has an attribute of cost. Abstract labor is in effect a lifespan spent in a specific labor, which constitutes the final cost in producing commodities. 商品价值具有成本属性,抽象劳动实际上是人们在具体劳动中消耗的生命时光,这是生产商品的终极成本;
- Normally Ying Yiping all is worth AT or initiative value IP indicates revolution, is not final cost FP, because FP is more than IP or AT value certainly. 通常应以平均值AT或初始值IP来标明转数,而不是最终值FP,因为FP一定大于IP或AT值。
- The value of commodity has an attribute of cost . Abstract labor is in effect a lifespan spent in a specific labor, which constitutes the final cost in producing commodities. 商品价值具有成本属性,抽象劳动实际上是人们在具体劳动中消耗的生命时光,这是生产商品的终极成本;
- I was engaged in engineering cost auditing and bid compiling in decision-making consultation from 1981,but recently I majorly undertook the final cost auditing of civil and decorative engineering. 从1981年开始从事决策咨询中工程造价的审核、工程标书的编制,近期主要从事土建工程和装饰工程决算的审核。
- How much was the final cost? (最后的成本是多少?)
- In the case of OEM, our normal practice is that you provide us with the product sample, then we will try to match your sample and further caculate the final cost according to your packing requirements. 如果贵司想要我们做oem加工;通常的方式是先由贵司提供给我们样品;我们会根据贵司的样品开发出与之类似的配方.;并切根据贵司提供的包装信息重新核算价格
- I was engaged in engering cost auditing and bid compiling in decision-making consultation from 1981,but recently I majorly undertook the final cost auditing of civil and decorative engineering. 从1981年开始从事决策咨询中工程造价的审核、工程标书的编制,近期主要从事土建工程和装饰工程决算的审核。
- He was consuming his final libation. 他正在喝着他的最后一杯酒。
- A few jokes will add a final fillip to your speech. 几句笑话会给你的演说添些生气。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- The play is notable for the pathos of its final scene. 该剧以最后一场的哀婉动人而著称。
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
- The script is massaged into final form. 这篇稿子经过修改已定稿。