- I don't feel disposed to help you. 我不想帮你的忙。
- After the way she treated me, I didn't feel disposed to help her. 既然她这样对我, 我就不想帮助她了。
- I'm not disposed to meet them at the moment. 我不打算在此刻会见他们。
- Disposed to believe too readily; gullible. 太容易相信的; 易受骗的
- As was usually the case wherever Hester stood, a small vacant area -- a sort of magic circle -- had formed itself about her, into which, though the people were elbowing one another at a little distance, none ventured or felt disposed to intrude. 和通常一样,凡是海丝特所站之处,周围就会形成一小块空地,似乎有一种魔圈围着,圈外的人尽管在附近摩肩擦背地挤作一团,也没人甘冒风险或乐于闯进那块空地。
- Natasha and Princess Marya gazed dumbly at one another, and the longer they gazed dumbly at one another without saying what they wanted to say, the more unfavourably each felt disposed to the other. 娜塔莎和公爵小姐玛丽亚沉默无言地面面相觑,她们沉默无言地面面相觑得越久,不说出她们应该说的话,她们就越发不怀好意地互相猜度。
- Do you feel disposed for a bath? 你愿意洗个澡吗?
- I am not disposed to help that lazy fellow . 我不愿意帮助那个懒惰的人。
- Disposed to or characterized by contemplation. 沉思的好沉思的或以此为特征的
- He is disposed to take offence at trifles. 他容易为一点小事发脾气。
- I'm not disposed to argue with him. 我不想和他争论。
- Paul was disposed to help her with her French. 保罗想要帮助她学法语。
- She is disposed to sudden bouts of depression. 她动不动就会突然抑郁症发作。
- Disposed to be kindly, friendly, or sympathetic. 好心好意的,友好的或有同情心的
- Disposed to seek revenge; revengeful. 复仇的有寻仇倾向的;报复性的
- I am not disposed to help that lazy fellow. 我不愿意帮助那个懒惰的人。
- Be not so well disposed to him as he had once been. 对他不像以前那样好了。
- I am disposed to agree with you. 我倾向于同意你的观点。
- I'm disposed to go it strong on the theory. 我愿意大力支持这种理论。
- We are disposed to open an account with your firm. 我们极欲在贵号开设一个户头。