- It possesses favourable conditions for irrigation. 它有很好的灌溉条件。
- He envied me my favourable conditions for study. 他羡慕我良好的学习条件。
- Today we have a favourable condition for choosing successors,namely,we know where people stand politically. 现在我们提出选拔接班人,有个好的条件,就是人们的政治面貌清楚了。
- Proximity to the Soviet Union,on the other hand,is a favourable condition for the War of Resistance. 然而中苏的地理接近,却是中国抗战的有利条件。
- Today we have a favourable condition for choosing successors, namely, we know where people stand politically. 现在我们提出选拔接班人,有个好的条件,就是人们的政治面貌清楚了。
- This created favourable conditions for the growth of livestock. 这就为牲畜的成长创造了有利条件。
- Thus we created favourable conditions for tiring the enemy out. 我们就这样创造了使敌人疲惫的有利条件。
- In the White areas there is no lack of good terrain,but we do not have the favourable condition of active popular support. 白区未尝无优良的阵地,但无优良的人民条件。
- I can let you have it on very favourable conditions. 我能让你在优惠条件下得到它。
- They could have won the game under more favourable conditions. 要是条件好一点,他们本来可以羸得比赛。
- What people like us can do is to create favourable conditions for you. 我们这些人能做的工作,只是为大家创造条件。
- We could have done better under more favourable conditions. 在更有利的条件下,我们能够做得更好些。
- In the White areas there is no lack of good terrain, but we do not have the favourable condition of active popular support. 白区未尝无优良的阵地,但无优良的人民条件。
- The tectonism of North China platform had the multistage plate subduction and collision which form a favourable condition for gold mineralization. 华北地台区构造作用具有多期次板块俯冲和碰撞,是金矿形成的有利条件。
- The enterprise is taken out in succession " killer mace " , add clique bagman, a few adder favourable condition, contest price is sold. 企业纷纷拿出“杀手锏”,增派推销员,附加一些优惠条件,竞价销售。
- In these unions more favourable conditions will continue to prevail. 在这些工会中,将继续存在比较有利的条件。
- Abstract: Probe into the necessity and favourable condition of expanding agriculture in winter in south of China.Point out the sustainable development model and way. 文摘:探讨了我国南方发展冬季农业的必要性和优越条件,提出了冬季农业发展模式和持续发展的途径。
- Of mode of this one collaboration fluctuant, with semiconductor industry policy (namely former 18 article) favourable condition is not apparent after fulfilling about. 这一合作模式的变更,与半导体工业政策(即原18号文)落实后优惠前提不较着无关。
- Given favourable conditions, this cherry tree will grow very rapidly. 如果给它适宜的条件,这棵樱桃树会长得很快。
- R&D achievement on economic beneficiation of beauxite obtained by Chinese scientific research personnel creats favourable condition for Shanxi to develop aluminium industry. 我国铝土矿经济选矿科研成果的诞生为山西省大力发展铝工业创造了有利条件。