- Far Eastern people mostly believe in Bhudism. 远东的人们多半信奉佛教。
- Our product for the far Eastern launch is defective. 我们在远东的产品上市已是不完善的了。
- Thai and other Far Eastern dishes with coconut or peanuts. 泰国和其他远东的加椰子或花生的食物。
- And lastly, 4. That we can be a major player in Far Eastern markets. 最后,第四点,我们可以成为远东市场上一个很有力的参与者。
- The Philippines and Far Eastern countries do not condone online dating sites. 我着手写这篇文章意在阐述为什么许多美国女人轻视亚洲女孩。
- A city of extreme southeast Far Eastern U.S.S.R. on an arm of the Sea of Japan. 符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴)苏联远东最东南的一个城市,位于日本海海湾。
- Twitchett was Lecturer in Far Eastern History at SOAS from 1954-1956. 在伦敦大学亚非学院担任远东史讲师,直到1956年。
- J. Kenan. The Last Resort. Far Eastern Economic Review, 1998 - 12 - 17. 刘遵义;钱颖一.;关于中国的银行与企业财务重组的建议[J]
- As one of usufruct, superficies originated from Roman law, was carried down through national civil law of the Continental law family. 地上权是用益物权的一种,肇始于罗马法,并为大陆法系国家民法所继承。
- Uh guano construction company is an affiliated company of far eastern department store. 华光建筑公司是远东百货公司的附属公司。
- There are mainly two forms globally, the Jury system in Anglo-American law family and the system by people assessors in Romano-Germanic family. 从世界范围看,陪审制度主要有两种形式:一是英美法系国家的陪审团制;二是大陆法系国家的参审制。
- There are few aspects of Far Eastern affairs on which he has not reported for our readers. 有关远东事务的方方面面他差不多都作了报道。
- Huaguang Construction Company is an affiliated company of Far Eastern Department Store. 华光建筑公司是远东百货公司的附属公司。
- With only 40 individuals left in the wild, the Far Eastern leopard is on the brink of extinction. 现今全球只剩下40头的野生远东豹,属于濒临绝种动物。
- Our traditional criminal constitution theory has still enough justification for existence,and that we should put off introducing the culpability systems of the continental law family. 我国传统的犯罪构成理论仍然具有生命力,应该暂缓引进大陆法系的犯罪论体系。
- Its Corporate Headquarters is in Lewes, Delaware, USA and its Far Eastern Branch Office is in Beijing, PRC. 协会的总部位于美国特拉华州的路易斯,同时协会在中国北京设立了远东办事处。
- Rigoberto Tiglao. Seaside Boom[J] , Far Eastern Economic Review , July 8, 1999,p.14 . 邹克渊.;人工岛屿、设施对南沙群岛主权争端的影响[J]
- Summary of Project: Suifenhe is a significant coastal city near far eastern parts of Russia. 项目概述: 绥芬河市是地处俄远东地区的重要口岸城市。
- Computerized bulk grain loading at the Taichung warehouse of the Far Eastern Company. 图中的轮船正在卸货,以吸管自动把船上的谷物吸进谷谷仓。
- Elliot Sperling, professor at Indiana University, writes for the Far Eastern Economic Review about Chinese ... 早在2002年就进行过对话的试探;但由于达赖喇嘛与外国国家元首和政府首脑的众多公开 ...