- We're not rich but we're fairly comfortable. 我们并不富有,但生活还较宽裕。
- He found himself peaceful and fairly comfortable in her presence. 他觉得在她面前并不慌乱,而且相当自在。
- By dint of slaving incessantly from morning till night she managed to keep her home fairly comfortable. 她一天忙到晚,把家里弄得相当舒服。
- Step Two: GDP of 2000 quadruples that of 1980; people live a fairly comfortable life. 第二步,到2000年人均国民生产总值比1980年翻两番,人民生活达到小康水平。
- Step Two: Per capita GNP of 2000 quadruples that of 1980; people live a fairly comfortable life. 第二步,到2000年人均国民生产总值比1980年翻两番,人民生活达到小康水平.
- Quadrupling production,attaining a fairly comfortable level of life and Chinese-style modernization are all new concepts we have formed. 翻两番、小康社会、中国式的现代化,这些都是我们的新概念。
- I can imagine that the right time might be the end of this century,when our people are living a fairly comfortable life. 可以设想,在人们就会达到小康水平的时候,就在本世纪末。
- Quadrupling production, attaining a fairly comfortable level of life and Chinese-style modernization are all new concepts we have formed. 翻两番、小康社会、中国式的现代化,这些都是我们的新概念。
- I can imagine that the right time might be the end of this century, when our people are living a fairly comfortable life. 可以设想,在本世纪末达到小康水平的时候,就要突出地提出和解决这个问题。
- Quadrupling production, attaining a fairly comfortable level of life and modernization are all new conception we have formed. 翻两番,小康社会和中国式的现代化,这都是我们的新概念。
- Our first objective is for our people to lead a fairly comfortable life by the end of this century,that is,to reach a level that is neither rich nor poor. 第一步,本世纪末,达到小康水平,就是不穷不富,日子比较好过的水平。
- Our first objective is for our people to lead a fairly comfortable life by the end of this century, that is, to reach a level that is neither rich nor poor. 第一步,本世纪末,达到小康水平,就是不穷不富,日子比较好过的水平。
- If they changed,we would have no hope of building a society in which our people lead a fairly comfortable life by the end of this century,or of reaching the level of the moderately developed countries by the middle of the next. 如果这些都变了,我们要在本世纪末达到小康水平、在下世纪中叶达到中等发达国家水平的目标就没有希望了。
- If,by the end of the century,the annual gross value of industrial and agricultural output is quadrupled,and the average per capita GNP reaches US$800,then we shall have a society in which people lead a fairly comfortable life. 翻两番,国民生产总值人均达到八百美元,就是到本世纪末在中国建立一个小康社会。
- Since our socialist system is based on public ownership,and since our goal is to achieve common prosperity,we shall then have a society in which the people lead a fairly comfortable life -- that is,everyone's standard of living will have been raised. 我们社会主义制度是以公有制为基础的,是共同富裕,那时候我们叫小康社会,是人民生活普遍提高的小康社会。
- If they changed, we would have no hope of building a society in which our people lead a fairly comfortable life by the end of this century, or of reaching the level of the moderately developed countries by the middle of the next. 如果这些都变了,我们要在本世纪末达到小康水平、在下世纪中叶达到中等发达国家水平的目标就没有希望了。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- His large income enabled him to live in comfort. 他那丰厚的收入使他可以过舒服的生活。
- She seemed fairly philosophical about the loss. 她对所受损失似乎很看得开。
- Use of this drug is now fairly generalized. 这种药现在用得相当普遍。